SHEIKH KAMRAN·May 19, 2023Use NFS for Persistent VolumesInstallation On Microk8s-NFS for Persistent Volumes Lab Setup: 1. Setup an NFS server sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server Create a directory to be used for NFS: sudo mkdir -p /srv/nfs sudo chown nobody:nogroup /srv/nfs sudo chmod 0777 /srv/nfs ...35 readskubernetesDocker
Adetunji·May 15, 2023Set up AWS NFS File Server on EC2 ServersIn this architecture, we will set up two EC2 instances in two different AZs, and make them share the same data from a single NFS server. We will be using Amazon Linux 2 Architecture Diagram Create an IAM Role Create an EC2 Role and attach the Amazon...ec2