Eklemis Santo Nduneknotes.app·Dec 1, 2024Memahami Acceptance Scenario: Menghubungkan Ekspektasi dan Pengujian dengan CucumberDalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, menghasilkan produk yang memenuhi ekspektasi klien bergantung pada komunikasi yang jelas, ekspektasi yang terdefinisikan dengan baik, serta pengujian yang efektif. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) menyediakan...acceptance testing
Eklemis Santo Nduneknotes.app·Dec 1, 2024Understanding Acceptance Scenarios: Bridging Requirements and Testing with CucumberIn software development, delivering a product that meets client expectations hinges on clear communication, precise requirements, and effective testing. The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) provides a structured approach through phases like pla...software development
Eklemis Santo Nduneknotes.app·Dec 1, 2024Mengapa Test-Driven Development Penting: Panduan untuk Developer dan Pemilik BisnisDalam dunia pengembangan perangkat lunak yang serba cepat, efisiensi dalam menghasilkan perangkat lunak berkualitas tinggi sangatlah penting. Salah satu metodologi yang semakin populer dalam mencapai tujuan ini adalah Test-Driven Development (TDD). T...software development
Vui NguyenforTranchy Techblog.tranchy.tech·Nov 27, 2024What is Shift Left TestingThe “shift left” testing movement is about pushing testing toward the early stages of software development. By testing early and often, a project can reduce the number of bugs and increase the quality of the code. The goal is to not find any critical...shiftlefttesting
Hans L'Hoesthans.lhoest.eu·Nov 14, 2024Notes on 🚀 TDD, Where Did It All Go WrongMy short notes on 🚀 TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong Still a lot of testing wisdom in this talk (re-watched 6 years after publication). Focus on behaviour Behaviour should be your primary focus when writing tests. The need for a new test should arise ...notes
Sandeep Choudharysandeepc.hashnode.dev·Nov 12, 2024Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is a software development process that emerged from Test-Driven Development (TDD). BDD promotes collaboration among developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders through clear and understandable requirements. ...Developmentbdd
Hardik Chotaliyahardikchotaliya.hashnode.dev·Oct 30, 2024What is Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)Introduction In this blog, we will explore the following key points: Understanding BDD: Learn the basics of behaviour-driven development (BDD) and how it enhances collaboration with non-technical teams. Integration with Agile: Discover how BDD fits...Behavior-Driven Development
Dean Didionsurestride.hashnode.dev·Oct 21, 2024CI/CD Pipeline for Python with BDD and TDD Using Behave, Pytest, and GitLab CIThis is the approach I’ve adopted for implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for a Python project using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with behave and Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles (albeit without the stri...29 readsPython
Dinesh Tdinesht0006-tech-blog.hashnode.dev·Oct 16, 2024Demystifying Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)Introduction to Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Test-driven development checks the code inside out and Behavior-driven development checks the system outside In the statement briefs that Test-Driven Development (TDD) checks the system from the ins...5 likesbdd
Steve Worthamstevewortham.hashnode.dev·Sep 18, 2024TDD vs BDD: Which Development Approach is Best for Your ProjectDifference Between TDD VS BDD Over the last decade, software development has shifted from a slow-technical process to an Agile methodology. TDD vs BDD is one of the debates developers talk about a lot. Agile development entails constant change, and t...TDD (Test-driven development)