Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jul 24, 2024Still Here! ... After a Near-Death Motorcycle Accident"There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I am from among the wrongdoers." These words, a powerful supplication, echoed in my mind as I lay bleeding through my nose, vomiting blood, and being ...2 likes·40 readsBike
Sarvesh Gawadesarveshgawadedomain.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2023When a Computer Science Engineer loves Superbikes....This is my first blog, so rather than sharing my knowledge about my studies, I would link to share my experience with bikes. I am a boy from a middle-class family who dreams of owning a Superbike someday. I came to know about the existence of superbi...2 likes·28 readsComputer Science