Sagyam·Dec 1, 2024An interactive guide to bloom filterIntroduction Bloom filter is space-efficient probabilistic data structure that can tell if a given element is already present in a database. It saves us from doing an expensive query to our database. While Bloom filters can guarantee that an element ...1 like·1.1K readsinteractive_blog
Legos·Oct 31, 2024Bloom FilterGiới thiệu Bloom Filter là một cấu trúc dữ liệu có tính chất xác suất dùng để kiểm tra một phần tử có nằm trong một tập hợp hay không. Nó rất hiệu quả về mặt không gian lưu trữ và tốc độ. Bloom filter có thể trả lời hai câu hỏi chính: Phần tử có thể...Cryptography & Blockchainbloom filter
Mahmoud·Oct 17, 2024Bloom Filter: A Compact Solution for Big Data ChallengesImagine you’re surfing the web and you found out a registration form with an email , username and a password. You try to enter your email but you find this: Then you remember that you previously created an account in that website and you can login n...bloom filter
Rajat·Sep 18, 2024Scaling Systems with Bloom Filters: Characteristics, Use Cases, and C# ImplementationBloom Filters are space-efficient, probabilistic data structures that have revolutionized how we handle large datasets and perform quick membership queries. Despite their simplicity, these powerful tools are used in many applications, from database s...68 readsMembership Queries·Sep 4, 2024Bloom Filter가 뭔데?블룸 필터(Bloom Filter) 서버 메모리에 대용량 데이터를 올려야하는 작업이 있었다 단순하게 Map 형태로 올릴까 생각하다가 크기가 너무 커질까봐 걱정이 들기 시작 하지만 O(1)의 속도를 보장하는 Key-Value 형태의 자료구조를 포기할 수는 없었다 그러다가 검색해보니 동일한 O(k)를 보장하면서 공간을 더 적게 사용하는 Bloom Filter을 알게되었다 무엇인지 한번 알아보자 1. 블룸 필터란? 🌸 블룸 필터(Bloom Fil...41 readsbloom filter
Alexander·May 6, 2024Proof of Exclusion: A Smart Contract Bloom FilterIntroduction Smart contracts operate in highly constrained environments. We often need to use clever data structures to achieve particular goals within the confines of the virtual machine. A common requirement is to prove membership of something. For...5 likes·217 readsbloom filter
Md.·Apr 6, 2024Understanding Bloom Filters and Building a Custom OneIntroduction Let us first consider that we are performing operations on strings. To efficiently do so, we use data structures like tries, suffix trees, etc. However, the problem is that we need to store the whole string to compute the desired answers...2 likes·84 readsSystem Design
Shyamrag·Jan 28, 2024Mastering Bloom Filters: Streamline Your Data Checks EfficientlyAre you new to the world of Bloom Filters and looking for a beginner-friendly guide? Curious about how large-scale websites efficiently check data like username availability? In this blog, we explore Bloom Filters in a straightforward and detailed ma...76 readsbitset
Surabhi·Dec 14, 2023Understanding Bloom FilterIt is a probabilistic space-efficient data structure with O(1) insertion and retrieval. It is used to find if a key exists (with false positives) or not (no false negatives). It can be used as a data layer to check if a key exists before querying the...Databases
Arjun·Oct 11, 2023Bigtable: A Comprehensive Exploration of Google's Data Titan 🌐Greetings, tech enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a profound exploration of one of Google's crowning achievements: Bigtable. Equipped with insights from Google's seminal research paper, this exploration will traverse the architectural intricacies, ope...187 readsPapershelfdistributed systems