Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2024Variables and Data Types in C#Variables A variable is a named storage location in memory that holds a value. In C#, you must declare a variable before using it. data_type variable_name; Data Types C# has a rich set of data types to represent different kinds of data. 1. Value Type...reference datatypes
Fırat TONAKfirattonak.com·Dec 4, 2024C# Specifiers Explained: What You Need to KnowIn this article, we will learn about specifiers and how to use them. They are important for managing your code securely and maintaining a strong structure in terms of architecture and code quality. Additionally, this topic is fundamental for Object-O...C# Snippets# csharp # beginners # dotnet # programming
Siddhartha Soxyprogrammer.com·Nov 3, 2024Circular Buffers: The Smart Solution for Managing Data StreamsIntroduction In the fast-paced world of finance, technology teams often encounter situations where they must handle an extraordinarily high flow of data. For instance, when processing real-time stock market feeds, every millisecond counts. Keeping sy...35 reads Market Data feed
Yasir Yurdusevencsharpprojectplayground.hashnode.dev·Oct 25, 2024KonsCalcBasit bir C# konsol uygulaması hesap makinesi yani çok da bir esprisi yok Its just a simple C# console app a calculator so there s not much to it C# ı ilk öğrenirken yapmıştım bu uygulamayı hocama sormuştum hocam projede [] köşeli parantezler ne işe ...CodeTutorital
Mark Pelfmarkpelf.hashnode.dev·Oct 24, 2024.NET8/EF8 - Exception: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Incorrect syntax near '$NET8/EF8 Breaking Change. Old servers/databases might not understand queries from EF8. Abstract: In .NET8/EF8 when working with SQL Server, EF might create newer version SQL queries that old SQL servers/databases will not understand and will con...C#ef8
Md Maruf Howladermarufhow.hashnode.dev·Sep 18, 2024Value Type vs Reference Type ⚡ Structure Can Make Your Code Super Fast!Value types and Reference types are two different ways data is handled in memory. Here’s a simple explanation with examples : Value Types: A value type stores the data directly in the memory allocated for the variable. When you assign a value to a va...1 like·28 readsvalue types
Peter Vopetervo92.hashnode.dev·Feb 28, 2024.NET Target Framework and C# Language: A SummaryIntro This article plays as a summary on 2 concepts in the .NET Ecosystem: Target Framework and C# Language. Target Framework Whenever you create a .NET project, either as a class library, a test suite, a web assembly, or a web API server, etc., you ...28 readsdotnet
Bug And Fixbugandfix.com·Sep 24, 2023How to Access Private members in C# - 12https://youtu.be/zNgGbZTdFcQ85 readsc sharp
Pratik MforOmniGuruomniguru.net·Sep 1, 20236 Must-Have Linux Tools for C# DevelopmentC# has become one of the most popular and powerful programming languages over the last decade. Initially constrained only to Windows environments, C# was ported to Linux and macOS in recent years, opening up whole new possibilities. For programmers w...56 readsLinuxc sharp
Bug And Fixbugandfix.com·Jul 20, 2023Interfaces are so yesterday in C# 12It seems creating Interface is so yesterday in C# 12! Please do not be shocked because I am going to dispute what most of you/us have done so far!. https://youtu.be/5su7NDb9nqE I am going to say: Interfaces are not necessary in C# anymore!. Huh ?. ...511 readsC#