Samuel·Jan 22, 2025JavaScript Deep Dive: Understanding Memory Management and the Call StackJavaScript, the engine powering web interactivity, often operates behind the scenes, handling tasks like memory allocation and code execution. Two fundamental concepts that drive this process are the memory heap and the call stack. While these may se...1 likeJavaScript
gayatri·Nov 15, 2024The Call Stack Chronicles: Understanding JavaScript Execution!Think of the call stack in JavaScript as a stack of storybooks. Each function in your code is like a new chapter of the story. When a function starts running, it's like opening a new chapter. But you can only read one chapter at a time. Once you fini...30 likesWeb Developmentjs·Nov 11, 2024Part 1: Execution Context - The core of JavascriptIntroduction JavaScript’s Execution Context is foundational yet complex concept for understanding how JavaScript runs your code. If you aim to write performant, error-free code and debug complex applications, mastering Execution Context is crucial. I...11 likes·31 readsJavaScript·Oct 23, 2024How asynchronous code is executed in JavaScriptIn JavaScript, asynchronous code is handled using the event loop, which allows non-blocking execution. JavaScript is single-threaded, meaning it can only perform one task at a time. However, it can handle asynchronous tasks efficiently without blocki...JavaScript
RIMANSHU·Oct 19, 2024Exploring Event Loops: Key Concepts ExplainedBefore understanding the event loop, you need to know how a browser works and how JavaScript code runs inside it. Let’s dive deep into this. To execute JavaScript code inside the browser, a browser needs an engine, similar to how other programming la...2 likesJavaScript
Avez·Oct 13, 2024How Javascript WorksEverything in Javascript happens inside an “ Excecution Context “ So whatever is excecuted in javascript is inside the excecution context, you can imagine this excecution context as a container in which entire javascript code is excecuted , Whenever...JavaScript
Shubham·Sep 23, 2024How JavaScript Manages Asynchronous OperationsYou might have heard that JavaScript is single-threaded, non-blocking and asynchronous in nature. First let’s understand what asynchronous means in JavaScript. What is asynchronous JavaScript? Asynchronous means performing multiple tasks at the same ...231 readsasynchronous
Saurabh·Sep 10, 2024Event loop and async javaScriptJavaScript is a single-threaded language As we know JavaScript is a single-threaded language, it has only one call stack to execute a code line-by-line, and there is no plan to become a multi-threaded language. JavaScript is a single-threaded languag...190 readsJavaScript
Mohtasim·Aug 25, 2024Asynchronous Javascript - Callbacks, Promises, Async-Await | (A detailed overview)First of all, we need to know about Asynchronous Javascript and Synchronous Javascript. Javascript is a single-threaded programming language. In simple words, JavaScript can do one thing at a time. And javascript runs codes step by step (one after an...synchronous
Devstories·Jul 31, 2024Key Ideas About the JavaScript Call Stack You Should UnderstandWhat is the Call Stack? The call stack is a data structure used by the JavaScript engine to keep track of function calls. It operates on the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle, meaning the last function called is the first one to finish executing. H...JavaScript