Le Quoc Cuongnospaceavailable.hashnode.dev·Aug 27, 2024Đôi dòng về file system trong LinuxTrong một Linux system tồn tại rất nhiều kiểu file khác nhau, thường thấy là các file thực thi, file ASCII text, vv. Chúng đều được chia ra và lưu trong các directory khác nhau, nhưng nhìn chung một hệ thống Linux sẽ có các directory sau: Tuy nhiên ...Discuss·51 readsLinux
The Raw Bitblog.sudarshandevkota.com.np·Aug 5, 2024Overthewire Natas Walkthrough for BeginnersLevel 0 - Level 1: Looking at the source of the page, it has the password for the next level. 🔒 g9D9cREhslqBKtcA2uocGHPfMZVzeFK6 Level 1 - Level 2: The level was blocking right click but not the keyboard shortcut. Viewing the html gives the...Discuss·60 readsnatas
Anirudhredtrib3.hashnode.dev·May 10, 2024Creative Writeup - TryhackmeExploit a vulnerable web application and some misconfigurations to gain root privileges. The following is a quick summary of the boot2root machine - 'Creative' created by ssaadakhtarr. Sections └╼ Enumeration └╼ Foothold └╼ Privilege Escalation ...Discuss·194 reads#capturetheflag
Anirudhredtrib3.hashnode.dev·May 10, 2024Hijack Writeup - TryhackmeIntroduction: The Hijack box rated easy involved various attacks such as session hijack using cookie manipulation to privilege escalation by hijacking a share library. 1. Enumeration Initial nmap scan showed 6 open ports which included HTTP - 80 NFS ...Discuss·75 reads#capturetheflag
Anirudhredtrib3.hashnode.dev·May 10, 2024Capture Writeup - Tryhackme👋 Introduction Hi there!, Capture is a room created by Toxicat0r in TryHackme Rated as Easy . Its actually quite simple if you know scripting. Without Further Ado lets Start! 🔍 Enumeration As always we do, let's use nmap to find the open portsnmap ...Discuss·82 readstryhackme
chris tchassemchris21.hashnode.dev·Mar 24, 2024How to gain access into a bank's web application (THM Lab session)💡 In order to get through this article, you need to have some basic understandings on computer networks and linux systems. This lab is replicable as you can find it on the website TryHackMe.com First step is to setup your environment with the appr...Discusspenetration testing
chris tchassemchris21.hashnode.dev·Mar 24, 2024How to connect to SMB (Server Message Block) protocol anonymously (Capture The Flag)Set-up your environment First thing you always need to do to access a machine is to make sure you have the correct tools and components ready to enable you do that. I will be working with HTB (Hack The Bix) which is a platform that offers free and pa...Discuss#capturetheflag
prabhudarshan samalcybercruxprabhu.hashnode.dev·Dec 20, 2023Basic pen-testing vulnhub machine 2 HackingBy Prabhudarshan Samal This article is about a well-illustrated write-up based on hacking activities in an educational temperament and non-abusive intent. The techniques and resources provided by the article are totally intended for educational purpo...Discusspentesting
artemis tackmunkycool.hashnode.dev·Nov 9, 2023Baby's first CTFAttending my first CTF - an adventure I attend Iowa State, and one of the clubs here is the IASG (Information Assurance Student Group). I have no idea when you, comrade, are going to be reading this, but they hosted the sp00kyctf on Saturday. Or for ...Discuss·2 likesCTF
PornoTron9001pornotron9001.hashnode.dev·Aug 13, 2023Hack the Box - Keeper WalkthroughHost is up (0.22s latency). Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 256 35:39:d4:39:40:4b:1f:61:86:dd:7c:37:bb:4...Discuss·953 reads#HackTheBox