Engin Diriblog.ediri.io·Feb 12, 2023Sun, Tech and Community: My Experiences at Civo NavigateDisclaimer The Civo Navigate took place during one of the most devastating events in the modern history of Türkiye: The massive earthquake in the Gaziantep region with over 30.000 victims! As a person with a Turkish background, I tried to be as thou...5 likes·273 readscivo
Kaiwalya Koparkarkaiwalyakoparkar.hashnode.dev·Nov 22, 20227 steps to craft a perfect CFP for your next conference.Hey everyone, if you are here then you have either submitted CFPs before or a total beginner who is looking to get more information about this process. I feel like this blog will be able to help both categories of people. So let's begin and get your ...38 likes·583 readsconference