Jason Joseph Nathangeekist.co·Dec 20, 2024Can't we just reset AWS!?There was this one time at a bank when I was brought in to help a senior dev and his sysadmin buddy solve a massive AWS migration issue. It was a porting exercise from our internal AWS setup to the bank’s heavily locked-down account. I’d never met th...tales-from-the-trenches
Aniblog.anirudha.dev·Nov 26, 2024Chaos TheoryLet’s talk about chaos. Not the "forgot your wallet, keys, and phone" kind of chaos, but the deep, philosophical, scientific kind. The one that makes you question if the flutter of a butterfly’s wings in Bengaluru could really spark a thunderstorm in...chaos
SB'Techsharesbtechshare.hashnode.dev·Sep 25, 2024From JavaScript Chaos to TypeScript Bliss: A Developer’s Transformation StoryThe JavaScript Dilemma: A Tale of Frustration As a developer, I’ve spent countless hours wrestling with JavaScript. It’s a language that’s both powerful and perplexing, offering unparalleled flexibility while simultaneously opening the door to a worl...TypeScript
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Mar 27, 2024Embracing Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos MonkeyEmbracing Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Monkey In the realm of distributed systems and cloud computing, ensuring resilience and fault tolerance is paramount. As systems grow in complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to identify and address...chaos-monkey
Sumit Mondalsumit007.hashnode.dev·Dec 19, 2023Unleashing Creativity in the Cloud: A Journey into Azure's Chaos StudioIntroduction In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, Azure stands out as a beacon of innovation. One of its lesser-known gems, the Azure Chaos Studio, offers a playground for developers and system architects to push the boundaries of relia...Azure - TheoryAzure
Amit Himaniamithimani.hashnode.dev·Apr 26, 2023Chaos Engineering | Game DayWhat: Chaos engineering game day is a practice that involves deliberately introducing failures and disruptions into a system to test its resilience and identify potential weaknesses. It is typically carried out by a cross-functional team that include...Chaos Engineering
Sparsh Kesariskesari.hashnode.dev·Mar 1, 2023Webinar: From Chaos To Control: Observability And Testing In Production [Voices Of Community]Microservice architectures are gaining immense popularity, offering many advantages over monolithic architecture, such as improved scalability, better resilience, and faster time-to-market. However, there are different microservices architecture chal...webinar
Amit Himaniamithimani.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2022Chaos Engineering | Type of AttacksToday’s advanced distributed software systems must be tested for potential weaknesses and faults. Chaos engineering is the process of testing a distributed computing system to ensure that it can tolerate unexpected disruptions. It relies on concepts ...ObservabilityChaos Engineering
Safeer C Msafeer.sh·May 5, 2021Chaos in the network — using ToxiProxy for network chaos engineeringChaos engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a software system in production to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent and unexpected conditions. If you are new to Chaos Engineering, go through this introductio...toxiproxy
Safeer C Msafeer.sh·May 1, 2021Engineering Chaos: A gentle introductionWith the wide adoption of microservice architecture, it has become increasingly complex to predict and protect against production outages arising from infrastructure and application failures. Oftentimes, underlying reliability and performance issues ...32 readschaos