Shihab·Jul 29, 2024Designing a Chat App Infrastructure - Part 1Background As a self-taught engineer, I've been designing systems since I started programming. Working mostly alone, I eagerly learned every aspect of software development and built everything to support my applications. This led me to experiment wit...Discuss·2 likes·137 readsDesigning a Chat Appwebsockets
Hamza·Jul 22, 2024How to Develop a Real-Time Chat App with Node.js and React Native: Complete TutorialIntroduction In today's digital age, chat applications have become an integral part of our communication. Whether it's for personal use or business purposes, having a reliable chat application can enhance the way we connect with others. In this tutor...Discuss·11 likes·36 readsrealtime
Yogesh·Jun 24, 2024Build and Dockerize A Simple Chat AppBuilding the Chat App The Socket.IO documentation offers a step-by-step easy-to-follow guide that will help us set up the chat app. Dockerizing the Chat App We'll create a Dockerfile in the root directory of our project. This file will contain the in...Discuss·1 like·38 readsDocker
Eleftheria·May 31, 2024Tutorial: Real-time Chat App in Rust with Rocket 🦀⌨️Hello, amazing people and welcome back to my blog! Today we will build a real-time chat application in Rust using the Rocket framework. In the past, I've written a tutorial on a chat application, but this one is way different and feels more modern. I...Discuss·21 likes·121 readsRust Projects 🦀Rust
Abdul·Apr 17, 2024Building a real-time scalable chat app using, node js, Redis, Kafka, MongoDB, and reactIn this article, we'll walk through how to build a real-time scalable chap app using, node js, Redis, Kafka, MongoDB, and react, I'll show you how to build a scalable socket server where in case users increase and join with other socket ser...Discuss·2 likes·522 readsSystem Architecture
md asif·Oct 11, 2023SignalR Hub ProtocolSignalR is an open-source library developed by Microsoft for real-time web communication. It enables developers to build interactive, live-updating web applications by facilitating bidirectional communication between the server and connected clients....Discuss·28 readsSignalR
Ademm·Jul 31, 2023How to Create a Custom Chat App : Ultimate Guide for Chat AppYes, If you ever want to develop a web chat application, it is integral to first understand the current market situation – As to how many people use these apps and why? How much time do people usually spend on these Build chat platforms? And who are ...Discussbuild custom chat platform·May 12, 2023Building a Real-Time Chat App with Node.js and Socket.ioReal-time chat applications are becoming increasingly popular in today's world, and there are several ways to build one. In this article, we will explore how to build a real-time chat application using and Node.js. is a JavaScript...Discuss·10 likes·91 readsNode.js