MixPayUforMixPayU - make money onlinemixpayumakemoneyonline.hashnode.dev·Jan 22, 2025How Chinese AI Models Are Shaping the Global AI CompetitionThe Role of Chinese AI Models in the Global AI Race Chinese AI models are playing an increasingly important role in the global AI race, helping to solidify China’s position as a major force in the development of artificial intelligence technologies w...1 likeAI
MixPayUforMixPayU - make money onlinemixpayumakemoneyonline.hashnode.dev·Jan 22, 2025Global Adoption vs. Regional Focus: The Reach of Chinese AI ModelsAre Chinese AI Models Being Adopted Globally or Are They Region-Specific? Chinese AI models have experienced significant development in recent years, making them a focal point in global markets. However, questions remain about whether these models ar...1 likeAI
Ashwin Gopalsamyashwingopalsamy.hashnode.dev·Oct 30, 2024Understanding Go's UTF-8 Support: Coding with Non-Latin AlphabetsI've been exploring Go's UTF-8 support lately, and was curious about how well it handles non-Latin scripts in code. Go and UTF-8 Go source files are UTF-8 encoded by default. This means you can, in theory, use Unicode characters in your variable name...98 readsGeneral Programming
Listerlister.hashnode.dev·Oct 25, 2024Persamaan Bahasa Jepang & Bahasa MandarinDalam dunia linguistik, bahasa Jepang dan Mandarin sering dianggap sangat berbeda. Meskipun bahasa Jepang berakar pada kebudayaan Jepang dan Mandarin pada kebudayaan Tiongkok, keduanya memiliki hubungan yang unik dan sejarah yang panjang, terutama da...Japanese,
John Fu Linblog.linguasnap.com·Aug 5, 2024Learning Chinese with Just Pinyin: Challenges and OpportunitiesIn the world of language learning, Chinese stands out as a particularly challenging endeavor due to its unique writing system and tonal nature. A common question among aspiring learners is whether it's possible to learn Chinese using only pinyin, the...26 readspinyin
John Fu Linblog.linguasnap.com·Aug 5, 2024Is Learning Chinese with Pinyin the Best Choice?Learning Chinese can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. One of the most common questions that arise is whether to use Pinyin while learning the language. Let's explore this topic in depth to help you make an informed decision. What is Piny...learning
John Fu Linblog.linguasnap.com·Aug 5, 2024Where to Watch Chinese Shows with Pinyin SubtitlesIn today's connected world, learning Mandarin Chinese is more valuable than ever. One of the best ways to improve your language skills is by watching Chinese TV shows and movies. However, many learners struggle to find content that matches their skil...242 readspinyin
应鹏沙blog.yingpengsha.com·Oct 11, 2023JSX vs Template前言 之前会上,加缪老师对我发起了灵魂拷问,“为什么要使用 JSX,而不用其他传统模版引擎?”。这个问题太过耳熟,耳熟到我一度以为我能脱口而出一个可靠的答案。但张了张嘴又无奈合上,并试图顾左右而言他,试图临时得到一个的答案。因为在发出声响前,那些我曾信以为真的答案,在时间和知识的增长下,突然变得脆弱不堪。一张嘴便暴露了我的无知,所以我需要更可靠的知识来重新审视这个问题,于是便有了这篇文章。 选择 JSX 到底是在选择什么? JSX is an XML-like syntax extensio...130 readsReact
Miya LiuforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Aug 4, 2023freeCodeCamp is Launching a Podcast in ChineseHello, everyone! I am Miya Liu. And I'm excited to announce the launch of the freeCodeCamp Chinese Podcast. In this podcast, we'll bring you the inspiring learning and career development stories of developers, technical content creators, and other te...Chinese
AJzijiaxue-1663833457448.hashnode.dev·Oct 5, 2022推荐一些用作大语文启蒙的书地下室翻出多年前的一批书,发现很适合给孩子做大语文启蒙。 1.《唐诗的历史》重庆出版社 此书内容是全彩的,包含唐代名画、文物、地图、风土人情,百科全书式介绍唐代文化。 2.《唐诗为镜照汗青》《宋词一阙话古今》清华大学出版社 这两套书,我第一次看是在天涯“煮酒论史”板块。作者鞠菟是全球500强外企高管,古典文化爱好者。帖子当年就十分火爆,出书以后获得一大批文化名人推荐。 3.《煌煌五千年》北京时代华文书局 央视《文明之旅》节目配套书籍。作者包括于丹、康震、刘心武等一大批大咖。从汉字、成语、...Chinese