Akritiakriti111.hashnode.dev·Aug 31, 2024Understanding CommonJS (CJS) and ES Modules (ESM) in JavaScriptLet's understand what module is! In the world of JavaScript, modules play a crucial role in organizing and structuring our code. They allow us to break down complex applications into manageable pieces, promote reusability, and enhance maintainability...Discuss·10 likesCommonjs Modules
Gautam VajaforCodeParrot 10x Dev10xdev.codeparrot.ai·Feb 10, 2024require Vs import: Old Vs New war in Javascriptimporting a module is a fundamental concept that refers to the process of bringing one module's code into another module. Think of it as borrowing a book from a library; you don't need to own every book, you just borrow what you need when you need it...Discuss·10 likes·127 readsES6
Okiki Ojoblog.okikio.dev·Jul 8, 2023Mastering the Art of ESM and CJS Package HandlingGreetings, fellow devs and bundlejs aficionados! 🚀 I was closing out some long lived issues over on bundlejs, when issue #50 reminded me of the ongoing debate about how bundlejs should handle the ESM and CJS packages. Lightbulbs flickered, coffee wa...Discuss·1 like·827 readsbundlejsTypeScript