Ahmed Shendyshendy.hashnode.dev·Dec 19, 2023Practical Code Smells - Sample 1Take a look a this code, share in comments what are your thoughts/notes about it? struct Bottles { func song() -> String { verses(from: 99, downTo: 0) } func verses(from high: Int, downTo low: Int) -> String { (low...high...DiscussPractical Code Smellscode smell
Syed Jafer Kparottasalna.hashnode.dev·Dec 1, 2023Why we should not use magic numbers ?Introduction A Magic Number is a hard-coded value that may change at a later stage, but that can be therefore hard to update. It's a numeric value that’s encountered in the source but has no obvious meaning. Yet more difficulties arise when you need ...Discusscodesmell
Syed Jafer Kparottasalna.hashnode.dev·Nov 27, 2023Why we should not use objects as data structures ?Problem faced: During our software development, we used to use design a class just to use it as a data structure. But while i was interested in reading about code smells; i got to know that its one of the anti pattern. So what is the problem with usi...Discusscode smell
Akhil Kadangodeakhil.se·Nov 15, 2023Identifying and Solving Common Code SmellsIn software development, maintaining a clean and efficient codebase is crucial. Recognizing code smells, which are warning signs indicating potential problems in your code, is an essential skill. While they don't directly affect the functioning of th...Discuss·47 readscode smell
Darth Byter8bytes8.hashnode.dev·Jul 19, 2023Code Smell Detectives: Sniffing Out Bugs and Instinctively Solving Mysteries!Today, I had my first encounter with a real-life "code smell" while taking over a code base developed by our colleagues in the current sprint. Although I had previous experience with thorough code reviews and a general understanding of the features a...Discusscode smell
Vinnicyus Gracindovgracindo.hashnode.dev·Mar 8, 2023Code Smell #1 - Método Longo (Long Method)Descrição O Long Method se refere a um código que possui um método (ou função) muito longo, com muitas linhas de código. Esse é um problema comum em programação, pois métodos longos podem ser difíceis de ler, entender e manter. Problema Sinais de que...Discuss·1 like·43 readsGo Language
Syed Jafer KforMakereadingsyedjaferk.hashnode.dev·Jan 25, 2023Code Smell 04 - How to Avoid Misplaced Responsibilities in Your ClassesMisplaced responsibility is a code smell that refers to a class or module that has responsibilities that do not properly align with its intended purpose. This can lead to a number of problems, such as making the class harder to understand, test, and ...Discuss·85 readsCode Smellscode
Karthick Selvamblog.karthickselvam.com·Dec 3, 2022Avoiding code smells with clean codeCode smells are often referred to as symptoms because they indicate a deeper issue or problem in the codebase. Code smells are common patterns in software code that may indicate that the code is not well-designed, is difficult to understand or mainta...Discuss·5 likes·113 readsclean code
Maxi Contierimaximilianocontieri.com·Oct 31, 2022Code Smell 175 - Changes Without CoverageIf your merge request has no test changed, you haven't finished your job TL;DR: Don't change the code without breaking some tests. Problems Quality Maintainability Solutions Cover your code. Context When you need to make a change, you need to...Discuss·57 readsCode SmellsGeneral Programming
Leonardo Montinibalastrong.hashnode.dev·Oct 7, 2022How to find a Code SmellWhat is a Code Smell? Let me provide you with my personal definition and some examples to get a better picture of what we’re talking about. If you search for Code Smell online you’ll find a dozen different definitions and categorizations, that’s why ...Maxi Contieri and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·9 likes·81 readsBeginner Developers