Mário Lucasblog.mariolucas.me·Feb 14, 2025Dominando Transações no CodeIgniter 3: Porque Nem Sempre Roda de PrimeiraSe tem uma coisa que todo dev já passou, é aquela sensação de fazer várias queries no banco e, no final, perceber que deu ruim em alguma delas. O problema? Algumas operações foram salvas, outras não, e agora o banco está mais bagunçado que um código ...Codeigniter 3 - Tipscodeigniter
Mário Lucasblog.mariolucas.me·Feb 11, 2025Implementando Middlewares com Codeigniter 3No CodeIgniter 3, não existe um sistema nativo de middlewares como em frameworks mais modernos, mas é possível implementar uma estratégia eficiente usando Hooks, Filters ou Libraries personalizadas. Aqui estão algumas abordagens para implementação de...38 readsCodeigniter 3 - Tipscodeigniter
Mário Lucasblog.mariolucas.me·Feb 10, 2025Escrevendo Bons Models com CodeIgniter 3O CodeIgniter 3 é um framework PHP conhecido pela sua fácil implementação, atualização simplificada e uso dinâmico. Apesar de ser uma tecnologia relativamente antiga, muitas empresas ainda mantêm esse framework em sua base de código devido à sua leve...53 readsCodeigniter 3 - Tipscodeigniter
softgridcsoftgrid.hashnode.dev·Jan 16, 2024CodeIgniter in 2024In the ever-evolving landscape of web development frameworks, CodeIgniter has carved a unique niche. Launched in 2006, it swiftly gained traction for its lightweight footprint, MVC architecture, and intuitive syntax. But 18 years later, with behemoth...Codeigniter Development
Ayush Bulbuleayushbulbule.hashnode.dev·Jul 15, 2023How to deploy your CodeIgniter 4 Website to Hostinger (cPanel)?Introduction: Welcome to our step-by-step guide on uploading your CodeIgniter 4 website to Hostinger. Hostinger is a popular hosting provider that offers an easy-to-use control panel and reliable services. By following these instructions, you'll have...39 readscodeigniter
Chandramani Aryatorqueprogramming.hashnode.dev·Mar 21, 2023Crop and Save Image using jQuery Coppie in Codeigniter 4In this tutorial, we will teach you how to crop and resize images before uploading or saving them to the database in CodeIgniter. We’ll be using jQuery croppie with ajax to do this. We’ll show you how to use jQuery for image upload with ajax in your ...Torqueprogramming
Chandramani Aryatorqueprogramming.hashnode.dev·Mar 21, 2023Codeigniter 4 Autocomplete Textbox From Database using Typeahead JSCodeigniter – Typeahead.js is a lightweight JavaScript library used for providing fast and autocomplete suggestions from a database as the user types into an input field. It has been around since Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 was released in 2013 and has bec...codeigniter
Chandramani Aryatorqueprogramming.hashnode.dev·Mar 17, 2023CodeIgniter 4 Pagination Example TutorialThis tutorial demonstrates how to implement pagination with Bootstrap 4 tables in CodeIgniter 4 framework. By following this example, you will learn how to create a table and display a list of users with pagination in CodeIgniter 4 projects. The tuto...29 readscodeigniter