Kamran Aliatech.guide·Sep 1, 2024Scaling Caching at Etsy: A Story of handlings 1,000,000's of lookups / secEtsy optimised 1,000,000,000,000's of cached data handlings 1,000,000's lookups/sec Story of Consistent Hashing with a secret sauce. Etsy, uses memcached (to cache db queries, expensive calculations etc) and Varnish (to cache internal HTTP requests)...DiscussLearn System Design from Industryconsistent hashing
Aditya Guptaadityaguptaa.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024The Art of Consistent HashingWhile reading the paper "Scaling Memcached at Facebook", I came across Consistent Hashing. What started as a quick read became an hour-long obsession with this topic! My journey to understanding consistent hashing was a long one. This blog is here to...Discuss·37 readsHashing
Parvesh Sainiparveshsaini.hashnode.dev·Jun 28, 2024Consistent HashingIntroduction Ever wondered how big companies manage to keep their data organized across thousands of servers? To ensure predictable performance in such systems, it’s crucial to distribute data evenly across these servers. Think of it like trying to s...Discussconsistent hashing
hai nguyenhainguyen.hashnode.dev·Jun 16, 2024Understanding Consistent Hash Ring: A Simple ExplanationProblem 1: We have a set of servers and need to distribute data and requests to those servers in a manageable, uniform way. If the data size increases (or the number of requests we need to serve increases), we can add or remove servers from the clust...Discussdistributed system
Cosmicoppaicosmicoppai.com·May 31, 2024Consistent HashingIn distributed systems, efficiently distributing data or load across multiple servers is critical. Two common methods for achieving this are Simple Hashing and Consistent Hashing. Let's look into how each method works and compare their advantages and...Discuss·1 like·62 readsSystem Designdistributed system
Ishita Chauhanqamil.hashnode.dev·May 19, 2024Consistent Hashing in Load BalancersIntroduction: With the increase of load on servers pumped by lots of requests and customer urge for instant responses, the load balancer became an important aspect of the distributed system. Along came a chain of problems on how to distribute the req...DiscussHashing
Pugazhenthi Elangovanscalability.hashnode.dev·Apr 18, 2024Distribution of data in NoSQL Databases - Part 1Introduction Amazon Dynamo and Cassandra whitepapers are the blueprint for NoSQL wide column databases. These databases solve many problems which aren't intended to be solved in relational databases. One of the predominant feature is Horizontal Scala...DiscussDatabasesNoSQL
Aditya Ladadityaladblog.hashnode.dev·Mar 13, 2024Demystifying Consistent Hashing: A Comprehensive GuideWhat is Hashing ? It is a technique to convert data into hash code using a hash function. This hash code is used to uniquely identify the data or map it to a specific memory location. Why use Hashing ? Efficient storage of data by converting ...DiscussHashing
Tushar Khannacodertushar.hashnode.dev·Jan 10, 2024Learn Consistent Hashing with ChatGPTYou what is consistent-hashing-in-system-design ChatGPT Consistent hashing is a technique used in distributed systems and system design to efficiently distribute data across a set of nodes while minimizing the amount of data that needs to be reorgani...DiscussSystem Design
Syed Jafer Kparottasalna.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2023Why do we need to maintain same hash in load balancer ?Introduction Have you ever thought of what is that ? when developers discuss like add a server; we need to scale up; we can scale down; implement a load balancer to equally share the request. In this blog post, we can go from basic methodologies in d...DiscussLoad Balancer