Abu Precious O.btere.hashnode.dev·Oct 11, 2024Introduction to Data classes in PythonIntroduction Data classes in Python provide a powerful and concise way to define classes that are primarily used to store data. They reduce boilerplate code, improve readability, and integrate well with Python's type hinting. By understanding and uti...4 likes·39 readsdata class
abhishek kumaraksilearntocoder.hashnode.dev·Aug 26, 2024Learn C# with OOPS Concept(Static Constructor, ways to return values by a function/method)-Part-4Static Constructor First of all let's elaborate basics about static constructor that all programmers must have:- static constructor does not have arguments or parameters. static constructor does not have return type. Due to above points static con...static constructor
Asfia Aimanasfiaaiman.hashnode.dev·Aug 24, 2024A Beginner’s Guide to Constructor Property Promotion in PHPPHP 8 introduced a fantastic feature called Constructor property promotion. If you're new to PHP or programming in general, this might sound a bit complex. But don’t worry! This blog will walk you through what it is, why it's useful, and how you can ...Constructor Property Promotion in PHP
Jemin Kikanijemin.hashnode.dev·Mar 19, 2024Day 9 : Function Declaration ,Expression ,Constructor , Hoisting , Self-invoking FunctionFunction JavaScript functions are defined with the function keyword. You can use a function declaration or a function expression. Function Declaration:- function functionName(parameters) { // code to be executed } Declared functions are not exec...self-invoking function
Akash Thoriyaakashthoriya.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2024Class Syntax (constructor, extends, super, get, set)Expert-Level Explanation In JavaScript, class syntax provides a more clear and concise way to create objects and deal with inheritance. A class can include a constructor (for initialising new objects), methods to define behaviours, and can extend oth...JavaScript Fundamentals for InterviewsJavaScript
Varun Kelkardevvarun.hashnode.dev·Nov 10, 2023Constructor Function in JavascriptIntroduction In Javascript, there are multiple ways to create an object. Simply declare a variable & assign an object to it (a.k.a. Object Literal), use Object. create method or use Class The Constructor Function is just another way to create objects...JavascriptJavaScript
Nasif Khannasif.hashnode.dev·Mar 22, 2023Constructor Function in JavaScriptThe constructor function is used to create a set of properties and methods for an object that we might want to use over and over again. It is used to avoid repetition and to increase the readability of the code. For example, details of the student. C...75 readsJavaScript
Oladayo Ojodayo0.hashnode.dev·Feb 13, 2023Classes and Constructor Functions in JavaScriptA class is a function that helps to create multiple instances of similar objects. This is similar to constructor functions. Classes and Constructor functions are ways of writing reusable code useful when dealing with objects with similar variables. Y...12 likes·65 readsclasses
Kenebebh Banigobebh.hashnode.dev·Sep 17, 2022Getting started with OOP in JavascriptWhy Object Oriented Programming? Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm where objects are used to model (represent) real-world or abstract features. It is the most popular programming paradigm used among software engineers for ma...9 likes·126 readsJavaScript
Mihir Bagchiblogs.mihirbagchi.com·Sep 5, 2022Constructor Functions and the new KeywordHi 👋 , I hope all of you are doing good, so Constructor Functions, basically those are just functions with some extra layers added to them which helps in Inheritance which in turn has a lot of benefits. Sounds intimidating? I will make it easy for y...88 readsJavaScript