Milan Jovanović·Feb 7, 2025Stop Conflating CQRS and MediatR"We need to implement CQRS? Great, let me install MediatR." If you've heard this in your development team - or perhaps said it yourself - you're not alone. The .NET ecosystem has gradually fused these two concepts together, creating an almost reflexi...33 readsCORS
Alex·Jan 30, 2025CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)What is CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing? This is a configuration that allows web pages to make requests to servers in a different domain from the one that served them. Normally, browsers enforce Same-Origin Policy (SOP), which restricts how a doc...CORS
Sidharth·Jan 30, 2025CORS IssuesThis blog is a repost of an internal company document I shared while I was at Cashfree Payments. It was part of a tech chit chat session. What is CORS? CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a mechanism that allows restricted resources...APIs
Georgiana·Jan 19, 2025Serverless Application with AWS Lambda and API GatewayProject Description This project involves developing a serverless application using AWS Lambda for backend logic, API Gateway for creating a RESTful API, and DynamoDB for data storage. Terraform scripts are used to manage the serverless infrastructur...My ProjectsAPIs
Piyush·Jan 4, 2025What is CORS Error and how to fix itWhen working with web applications, you might have encountered CORS errors that block your requests to APIs or external resources. Let’s dive into what CORS errors are, why they happen, and how to resolve them effectively. 🛠️ Why Do CORS Errors Happ...30 readsCORS
Vineeta·Jan 3, 2025Mastering CORS Handling with devServer.proxyA few days ago, I encountered a challenge that many frontend developers face—dealing with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) errors. My application, running locally, needed to fetch data from a remote API, but the infamous browser error popped up: ...coding
Shohanur·Dec 11, 2024How to Fix CORS Issues in Spring Gateway SecurityCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a critical aspect of modern web applications, especially when your frontend and backend are hosted on different origins. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to configure CORS in a Spring Gateway with security ...CORS
ABHINANDHAN·Nov 29, 2024serverless uploading to AWS S3Uploading large files (up to 5TB) efficiently and securely from a React application to an AWS S3 bucket is a common use case. In this blog, I'll walk you through implementing this solution using pre-signed URLs, with AWS Lambda handling backend logic...11 likes·39 readsAWS
Nicholas·Nov 16, 2024Fixing CORS Issues in Node.js APIsWhen building APIs with Node.js, one of the most common issues you might encounter is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors. These errors typically occur when your backend (Node.js API) is on a different domain or port from your frontend, and y...CORS
Jahid Hasan·Nov 13, 2024How to setup a backend project with Node.js, Express, and CORSIntroduction Welcome to Your Complete Guide for Building a Server-Side Environment with Node.js, Express, and CORS This guide walks you through the foundational steps of setting up a server-side environment using Node.js and Express to create efficie...Node.js