Danyl Novhorodovdanyl.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2025Where Do You Put Your Business Logic?Welcome to the eternal question every developer faces: “Where do I actually put my business logic?” We’ve all seen the patterns: Monstrous service classes that drag in half the codebase as dependencies. Anemic domain objects that do basically nothi...1 like·99 readsCode Rant ChroniclesC#
Celestina Odilitinatech.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025Number Classification API: Fully Automated Deployment on Azure App Services with ARM Integration.Technology Stack Programming Languag: C# with ASP.NET Core Cloud Provider: Azure Infrastructure as Code: ARM Template Azure Services: App Services Prerequisites Ensure you have the following before starting: An Azure Account Azure CLI Install...api
Danyl Novhorodovdanyl.hashnode.dev·Jan 26, 2025Architectural Holy Wars: Why Every Approach Is Right (and Wrong)Are you a fan of Clean Architecture, Vertical Slices, or Hexagonal / Ports and Adapters? Wonderful. Does that mean you should foam at the mouth and trash everyone else’s approach? Probably not—but here we are anyway. “We should use Clean Architectur...92 readsCode Rant ChroniclesC#
Danyl Novhorodovdanyl.hashnode.dev·Jan 24, 2025Three Must-Know Refactoring TechniquesCode gets messy for various reasons: new features under tight deadlines, patch fixes, or unclear ownership. The good news is, with disciplined refactoring, you can systematically improve it. Let’s explore three must-know techniques—each with a before...102 readsC#
Danyl Novhorodovdanyl.hashnode.dev·Jan 15, 2025Stop Abusing InterfacesHave you ever stumbled across a C# masterpiece where every single class is adorned with its very own one-liner interface? Something like: public interface IDoSomething { void Do(); } public class DoSomething : IDoSomething { public void Do()...176 readsCode Rant ChroniclesC#
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 14, 2024Date and Time in C#C# provides a robust and flexible framework for working with dates and times, encapsulated primarily within the System and System.Globalization namespaces. Key Classes and Structures: DateTime Structure: Represents a specific instant in time, combi...timespan
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 14, 2024Generic collections part 2: Stack and QueueStack A Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. It's like a stack of plates: the last plate you put on is the first one you take off. Key Operations: Push: Adds an element to the top of the stack. Pop: ...C#
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 14, 2024Generic COLLECTIONS part 1This backpack is special because it can hold all sorts of things, like toys, books, or even snacks! You can put things in, take them out, and organize them in different ways. In coding we call it a Collection. Let's understand them one by one. List<T...hash set
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 13, 2024C# Non-Generic SortedList: A Detailed ExplanationImagine a phonebook. It's a list of people's names (keys) and their corresponding phone numbers (values). The special thing about a phonebook is that it's always sorted alphabetically by the names. This makes it incredibly easy to find someone's numb...sorted list
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 13, 2024Hash Tables: A Deep Dive into C#Imagine you have a big toy box. You want to store your toys in an organized way, so you decide to put similar toys together. For example, all your cars go in one section, all your dolls in another, and all your blocks in a third. That's kind of how a...OpenAddressing