Tatiane Pimenta Lealtatianepimentaleal.hashnode.dev·Aug 19, 2024Who watches the watchmen: When HR and applicants use the same tools (AI)Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Or "Who watches the watchmen?" This thought crossed my mind when I read the Financial Times article, and even more so when I watched Raj Sidhu's video about the article. He focused on the comments section, where many hi...DiscussArtificial Intelligence
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Apr 2, 2024Elevate Your Job Hunt with Standard ResumeElevate Your Job Hunt with Standard Resume Standard Resume is an innovative platform designed to simplify the process of creating and sharing professional resumes. With its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and powerful features, Stand...Discussstandard-resume
Leilanleilan.hashnode.dev·Mar 1, 2024Crafting a Standout Portfolio: What to Avoid🚫Sharing my work-in-progress portfolio on Twitter brought invaluable feedback from friends, prompting me to rethink and refine. After digging into what makes a great portfolio, here are some insights. Hope it helps others too! Generic or Basic Stuff ...Discuss·3 likes·35 readsportfolio
Sedlak Gargesmag.hashnode.dev·Feb 27, 2024Crafting the Perfect Resume: A Step-by-Step GuideIn today’s competitive job market, a stellar resume is your ticket to landing the job of your dreams. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, your resume serves as your first impression to potential employers. Crafting a compelli...Discussresume
Shahi ShreshthforTechLearn Indiablog.techlearnindia.com·Feb 11, 2024How Image Processing Revolutionizes Data Science -( Day 9)Calling all image warriors! Buckle up for Day 9's grand finale as we join forces with Black Goku to delve into the realms of preprocessing, segmentation, and postprocessing. Together, we'll not only analyze an image, but also embark on a metaphorical...Discussimage processing
Alexander Knipsalexknips.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2024My interactive resume terminalThe full code is available at https://github.com/alexknips/nextjs-cv. The idea is funky and pretty useless but seamed fun to me: Build a resume website in a completely different way by making it look like a terminal but able to answer like a ChatBot....DiscussAI
Nhut Nguyennhutnguyen.hashnode.dev·Nov 14, 2023Why Resumes Are Critical To A Tech Job ApplicationIf you are a foreigner in Denmark, you must always be available for a career change. Especially with those who are working as software developers like me in Copenhagen, changing jobs happens every 3–4 years. A resume is the first thing you need to ap...Discuss·63 readsTech Resumejob search
Alireza.jsblog.ahamid.me·Aug 20, 2023Unveiling Your Masterpiece: The Art & Charm of Crafting the Ultimate ResumeYou only get one shot at a first impression, and in the job-hunting realm, that’s your resume. We’ve all faced the dreaded blank screen, wishing for a magic wand to craft that masterpiece. But who needs magic when you’ve got a strategy? Imagine if re...Discussresume
Adarsh Agnihotriadarshagnihotri.hashnode.dev·Jul 25, 2023Mastering the Art of Crafting Professional Resumes with LaTeXHey there! So, let me tell you about LaTeX – it's this cool tool that people use to create awesome-looking documents. You know those research papers, reports, and even resumes that look super professional and well-organized? Well, chances are they we...Discuss·5 likes·32 readslatex
Harshit Jainhcodes.hashnode.dev·Apr 22, 2023Discover the Power of Computer Vision: An Introduction to OpenCVWhat is open-cv and what it is used for? OpenCV is an open-source computer vision and machine learning library used for real-time image processing, object detection and tracking, facial recognition, robotics and much more, making it a powerful tool f...Discuss·10 likes·29 readsopencv