pranav madhukar·Jan 25, 2025create intuitive and interactive dashboards and charts In React Application.Want to create intuitive and interactive dashboards and charts? Know more Overview The @mui/x-charts is an MIT library for rendering charts relying on D3.js for data manipulation and SVG for rendering. And, like other MUI X components, charts are pro...Data Science
Chinonso·Dec 30, 2024Mental Health and Academic Performance of Nigerian University Students: Insights from a Data-Driven Study.Introduction During my final year at university, I faced significant challenges due to anxiety, which at its peak caused insomnia and breathlessness. Despite these struggles, I achieved my highest academic performance, earning a first-class GPA. A cr...NigerianUniversities·Dec 12, 2024Hands-On Exploratory Data Analysis with KNIMEKNIME is particularly well-suited to data analysis workflows due to its versatility and highly optimized performance. It allows practitioners to scale data analysis workflows beyond what they would otherwise achieve on their local machine. This artic...1 like·100 readsData Science
Queen Carine·Nov 24, 2024From Numbers to Knowledge: An Introduction to DataData is everywhere Every day, you come into contact with data without realizing it. You are data yourself. Your name, age, gender, and so on are all examples of data. The number of shirts you have or coffee cups you drink daily, your social media com...dataanalytics
esProc·Nov 19, 2024#99 — Deduplication of Simple DataProblem description & analysis: There is a data table: Task: We want to duplicate the data. Solution: Use SPL XLL and enter the following formula: =spl("=?",A2:A17) Download esProc Desktop for FREE and level up your Excel game!!! 🚀🔥⬇️ ✨SP...10 likesexcel
esProc·Nov 14, 2024#96 — Identify Duplications of Row-Based Data — by Key ColumnProblem description & analysis: Here below is a personnel data table: Task: Identify whether there are duplicate data, if so, fill in 1 in the corresponding Dup field, otherwise fill in 0 (the identifying basis is that the data in the Name field are...10 likesexcel
esProc·Nov 13, 2024#95 — Identify Duplications of Simple MembersProblem description and analysis: Here below is a data table of names: Task: Identify whether there are duplicate names, if so, fill in 1 in the corresponding Dup field, otherwise fill in 0. Solution: Use SPL XLL and enter the formula in cell B2: =s...10 likesexcel
Queen Carine·Nov 12, 2024Giving Data a Voice that People Can Understand As a Data AnalystIntroduction Data storytelling is essential for any data analyst in today's data-driven world. Raw numbers and graphs only go so far; to drive real impact, data needs a narrative that brings insights to life. Data storytelling bridges the gap between...Data Science
esProc·Nov 11, 2024#93 — Intersection, Union and Difference in the Case of Row-Based Data — Two Sets — by Key ColumnProblem description: The following tables list the sales data of the top 10 products by sales in January and February: Solutions: Use SPL XLL to tackle the following tasks respectively: A. Find out the sales data of the products that make the top 1...10 likesexcel
Anix·Nov 3, 202455 Essential SQL Functions with Sample Codes & OutputHere's the comprehensive list of function names and sample code & output mentioned in this blog SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE TRUNCATE COUNT SUM AVG MIN MAX GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY LIKE IN AND OR NOT UNION JOIN (including INNER JOI...SQL