Divya Nagalakshmi Chinthaladivyanl.hashnode.dev·Feb 13, 2025Introduction to DSADefinition: A data structure is a way of storing, managing and organizing data in a computer to enable efficient access, insertion, deletion and modification. Choosing the right data structure helps in writing optimized and faster programs. Data stru...5 likesDSA
sidhant kumarsidhantjaiswalsj-datastructures.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Mastering Linear Search: An Easy IntroductionAlgorithmic Steps: To perform a linear search, we follow these steps: Accept the target element and the collection as inputs. Begin traversing the collection from the first element. Compare each element with the target element. If a match is foun...Data-Structureslinearsearch
sujithamypersonalblog.hashnode.dev·Jul 8, 2024Sliding Window TechniqueSliding Window technique of optimization is a method for solving problems that involve arrays or lists in a more efficient manner. It is particularly useful when you need to find a subrange (subarray or substring) of a certain length or with certain ...DSA
Mahak Pandeymahakpandeyofficial.hashnode.dev·May 24, 2024Understanding Why We Use LinkedList<Integer> Instead of LinkedList<int> in JavaWhen diving into Java programming, especially when dealing with collections, one might wonder why we use LinkedList<Integer> instead of LinkedList<int>. This question touches on some fundamental concepts in Java that revolve around generics, primitiv...1 like·46 readsGeneral Programming
Aditya Vaasudev Badityavaasudevb.hashnode.dev·May 14, 2024Essential Guide to Queues: What They Are and How They WorkIntroduction Whether you're at a railway reservation counter, waiting in line at the movie theater, or submitting print jobs to a network printer, forming a queue is the universal solution to bring order to chaos. By patiently awaiting your turn, you...1 likequeue ds
Aditya Vaasudev Badityavaasudevb.hashnode.dev·May 10, 2024Stacks 101: A Beginner's OverviewIntroduction Whether it's items in a store or books in a library, once they become more than handful, people naturally start tidying things up by stacking them. When man started programming data, stack was one of the first structures that he thought ...1 likeStacks
Srisrip.hashnode.dev·Apr 23, 2024"Mastering the Foundation: A Beginner's Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms"Data Structures and Algorithm: Organize the data in a way that is easy to handle and perform actions on. Types of Data Structures: Introduction to Algorithms: An algorithm consists of instructions to carry out a task or solve a problem (this is a th...4 likesdatastructuresandalogrithm
Umang Srivastavaoutlierchronicles.hashnode.dev·Apr 13, 2024The Recursive JourneyRecursion, a programming concept where a function calls itself, might sound like a mind-bender at first. But fear not! This powerful technique is surprisingly intuitive and can be a valuable tool in your Pythonic arsenal. In this blog, we'll embark o...5 likesRecursionRecursion
Khrystyna Klapushchakkhrystyna.hashnode.dev·Dec 11, 2023Solving Strings with Python TriesHave you ever relied on a spell checker to catch those elusive typos or experienced the convenience of autocomplete while typing a search query? If so, you have seen with your own eyes the power of experimentation. In this blog post, we will look at ...1 like·47 readsTRIES
Ritwik Mathritwikmath.hashnode.dev·Nov 26, 2023DSA - Remove Nth Node From End of ListProblem Given the head of a linked list, remove the n<sup>th</sup> node from the end of the list and return its head. List: [1] -> [2] -> [3] -> [4] -> [5] Value of N: 2 Output: [1] -> [2] -> [3] -> [5] Given Code # Definition for singly-linked list....removenthnodefromend