Ahmed Razaahmedrazadev.hashnode.dev·Nov 14, 2024DDoS and DoS Attacks: Prevention and Notable CyberattacksIn the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have become some of the most prominent threats to businesses and individuals alike. These cyberattacks target the availability o...ddos attacks
Anik Kumar Nandiblog.anikweb.me·Nov 11, 2024Essential Tips for Securing Your Laravel 11 App from DDoS AttacksWhat Is a DDoS Attack? A DDoS attack happens when lots of computers flood a server with too much traffic, aiming to slow it down or even knock it offline. It's like if hundreds of people tried to rush into a store all at once, causing a big jam that ...1 like·278 readsLaravelWAFs
Aakashi Jaiswalaakashi.hashnode.dev·Nov 9, 2024Preventing Website Crashes: Solutions for a Seamless Online ExperienceWebsite crashes can be a significant headache for both website owners and users. When a website goes down, it can lead to lost revenue, damaged reputation, and frustrated visitors. Understanding the reasons for these crashes and how to resolve them i...10 likeswebsite crash
Indu Jawlacoders.hashnode.dev·Oct 14, 2024In-Depth Exploration of Cybersecurity ConceptsThe CIA Triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability 1. Confidentiality Definition: Confidentiality ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. It is fundamental in preventing unauthorized disclosure o...#cybersecurity
Rahul Rrahulraghunathan.hashnode.dev·Oct 9, 2024The Art of API Traffic Control: A Deep Dive into Rate LimitingIn today’s digital landscape, managing the flow of requests to web services and APIs is essential for ensuring system stability, security, and fairness. Rate limiting has emerged as a key technique to address these challenges. This article explores t...4 likes·29 readsratelimit
SAMAN SARADRImalkedcom.hashnode.dev·Sep 21, 2024The Most Severe DDoS Attacks and Mitigation StrategiesThe Most Severe DDoS Attacks and Mitigation Strategies Introduction Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are malicious attempts to disrupt the normal functioning of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming it with a flood of Int...ddos attacks
Atharv Patilatharvpatil.hashnode.dev·Apr 29, 2024DDoS Attacks on IoT Devices: A Looming Threat to Our Connected WorldThe landscape of cybersecurity is evolving rapidly, but along with innovative solutions comes new avenues for threats. One concerning phenomenon that's gaining prominence is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeting Internet of Things (I...#cybersecurity
Michaelmichaelhabra.hashnode.dev·Apr 12, 2024Denial of Service Dos & Distributed Denial of Service DDosAn attacker can generate sufficient traffic to starve your server of resources, they can make deny service to legitimate users. Denial-of-service attacks are designed to make a site unavailable to regular users. In a DoS attack, a single computer or...dos attack
Prajoti Raneprajotirane.hashnode.dev·Apr 3, 2024Dissecting the Estonia DDoS Attack: A Technical Expedition into Cybersecurity's CoreDissecting the Estonia DDoS Attack: A Technical Expedition into Cybersecurity's Core Introduction: The Estonia DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack of 2007 stands as a pivotal moment in the chronicles of cyber conflict, marking a significant ...31 readsddos attacks
Lee How Munhowmun.dev·Jan 19, 2024Handle a Level-7 HTTP DDOS attackLoad balancer hit by a huge amount of HTTP requests Checked on the Nginx access log that most of them are: requesting for a search, .e.g. /product/?search=[random string] , this is a clever trick as search are always bypassing cache and are heavier...ddos attacks