·May 23, 2024How I am using to revisit everythingI believe more and more, that revisiting really helps. This is how I am using Things I need to do, but don't want to do now For example, I know I need to get the driver license, but I just don't have enough motivation to do that. So I
Elucian MoiseforProgramming·Oct 22, 2023Block StatementsBlock statements in Python are created with one or more keywords. Consist of one or several statements indented. All indented statements belong to the block statement. The execution of indented statements is controlled by a condition of a control var...27 readsPython SyntaxPython
Abhishek·Dec 27, 2022BTech or BE: How to Choose the Right Engineering Degree for Your Career GoalsDeciding between a BTech (Bachelor of Technology) and a BE (Bachelor of Engineering) can be a challenging decision, as both degrees are designed to prepare individuals for careers in engineering. To help you determine which degree is right for you, i...161 readsengineering