Saravana Sai·Feb 7, 2025Mastering the Singleton Pattern: Guaranteeing a Single InstanceIntroduction In our ongoing exploration of design patterns, we've journeyed through creational and structural patterns, discovering elegant solutions to recurring design challenges. Now, we arrive at a pattern that stands out for its unique purpose t...Design patterns -1 01Developer
Shoyombo Gabriel·Feb 1, 2025Navigating the Digital Canvas: A Journey through the Evolution of Website Design TrendsVisiting a website for the first time, the first thing users notice is the design. Although some users might not have an idea about fonts, colours, images, and other design components individually, nonetheless they perceive the overall presentation o...1 like·49 readsDesign
Darren·Jan 29, 2025Architecture vs DesignSoftware architecture refers to the high-level structure of a system and the method for creating these structures. It emphasizes the overall view of the system. Nearly all decisions made at the architectural level have long-term effects. Here are jus...architecture
Darren·Jan 27, 2025Architecture DimensionsIn general, four very important high-level decisions must be made when setting out to create an architecture for either a new system or a redesign of an existing system. These high-level decisions can be thought of as dimensions. In the book Head architecture
Antoine·Jan 17, 2025Comparatif des Services de Messagerie et d'Événements AzureIntroduction Dans le monde dynamique et interconnecté d'aujourd'hui, la gestion efficace des communications et des événements est cruciale pour le succès de toute infrastructure informatique. Azure, la plateforme cloud de Microsoft, propose une gamme...45 readsAzureAzure
Sahil·Jan 14, 2025"Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann - A comprehensive summaryI’m diving into the book “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann, a must-read for anyone interested in building data intensive distributed systems. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing my key takeaways and insights from this f...Software Engineeringdesign patterns·Jan 10, 2025C'est quoi un Design Pattern dans le développement d'applications ?Un Design Pattern, ou "patron de conception", est une solution réutilisable à un problème récurrent dans un contexte donné. Ce ne sont pas des lignes de code prêtes à copier-coller, mais plutôt des concepts ou des guides pour structurer ton code de m...3 likes·117 readsDeveloper
João·Jan 9, 2025Kotlin and the removal of the Builder Pattern from public lifeI discovered code changes on the internet that were related to the typical Javax validations that soon will become Jakarta validations. In these code changes, I did notice that many people were fixing issues by changing validation annotations from, a...builder pattern
Shashank·Jan 5, 2025Designing Scalable Notification ServiceNotifications are of peak importance when it comes to social media, you don’t want to miss who liked your photo or who is mentioning you in comments, You also don’t want to miss notifications from your favourite YouTubers so you don’t miss watching t...14 likes·66 readsSystem Design
Sahil·Dec 31, 2024System Design: How to Scale from Zero to a Million UsersScalability plays a major role in building today’s software systems. Why, you may ask? The simple answer is to manage a large number of users simultaneously with low latency and high response rates. Building and managing such systems at scale used to...43 readsSoftware EngineeringSystem Design