Munilakshmi G·Nov 19, 2024Day 25 of 100 Days : Mastering Jenkins Security, Scalability, and Advanced TopicsWelcome back, Jenkins enthusiast! 🌟 Yesterday, we explored pipelines, plugins, and integrations. Today, we’ll venture into security, scalability, and advanced topics, arming you with the theoretical knowledge required to manage Jenkins in dynamic an...DiscussJenkins
Nilson·Nov 19, 2024Por que DevOps precisa se preocupar com Segurança da Informação?Em um cenário onde as transformações digitais acontecem em ritmo acelerado e as ameaças cibernéticas evoluem constantemente, o papel do profissional DevOps tem se tornado cada vez mais crítico para a segurança das organizações. No entanto, ainda exis...DiscussTrilha DevOpsDevSecOps
Kieran·Nov 19, 2024Implementing Self-Hosted GitHub Action Runners using AWS CodeBuildI saw an interesting announcement from AWS What’s New? some time back regarding GitHub Actions and native AWS CodeBuild integration. This allows you to use AWS CodeBuild to be the compute for your self-hosted GitHub Action Runners. Let’s dig in! What...Discuss·70 readsOne-Offsopentofu
Harendra·Nov 19, 2024Ansible Guide: Manage EC2 Instances and Protect Your SecretsIn the ever-evolving DevOps landscape, efficiency and security are paramount. Today, I honed my skills in Ansible for EC2 management and learned valuable lessons about securing sensitive information after facing a secret key compromise. Let’s dive in...Discusshashicorp-vault
Sonya·Nov 17, 2024Guía de seguridad para software de código abierto — Mejores prácticas para asegurar tus proyectosChristine Peterson acuñó el término “software de código abierto” o OSS en 1998. Se refiere a software que está disponible de forma gratuita para que cualquiera lo use, modifique y distribuya. El código fuente de OSS está disponible abiertamente y cua...Discuss#cybersecurity
Sonya·Nov 17, 2024Guide de sécurité pour les logiciels open source — Meilleures pratiques pour sécuriser vos projetsChristine Peterson a inventé le terme “open source software” ou OSS en 1998. Elle fait référence à des logiciels qui sont librement disponibles pour toute personne souhaitant les utiliser, les modifier et les distribuer. Le code source de l’OSS est o...DiscussOpen Source
Munilakshmi G·Nov 17, 2024Day 22 of 100 Days : Continuous Integration with Jenkins – Simplifying DevelopmentWelcome to Day 22 of our 100 Days of DevOps journey! Today, we’re diving into the world of Continuous Integration (CI) and exploring the magic of Jenkins, the superstar tool that makes CI possible. If you’re wondering how modern software teams delive...DiscussJenkins
Subhanshu Mohan·Nov 17, 2024Federated Learning for Distributed MLOps SecurityIntroduction As Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) scale across industries, safeguarding sensitive data while enabling distributed training becomes a significant challenge. Enter Federated Learning (FL) — a decentralized approach that trains models ...Discuss·10 likes·32 readspysyft
Irfan·Nov 17, 2024End-to-End DevSecOps Deployment for MERN Stack ApplicationsGitHub Repo: Application Repo: Infrastructure: Comprehensive Walkthrough of the Project: Deploying a MERN Stack Ap...DiscussDevops
Munilakshmi G·Nov 15, 2024Day 21 of 100 Days : Getting Started with Docker Compose – Simplifying Multi-Container DeploymentsWelcome back! Today, we’re diving into Docker Compose—a powerful tool that streamlines the process of working with multi-container applications. Whether your application includes databases, caching systems, or multiple microservices, Docker Compose e...DiscussDocker