·Jul 23, 2023Setting Up Devtron on Kubernetes ClusterDevtron is a production-ready Kubernetes-native Application Management Platform that covers all your requirements on Kubernetes, such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, GitOps, observability, troubleshooting, security, and governance. I ...Discuss·1 like·207 readsdevtron
Abhinav·Dec 17, 2022Empowering Developers with Kubernetes DeploymentsKubernetes has been one of the most adopted technologies in the last couple of years. According to the 2021 Cloud Native Survey conducted by “The Cloud Native Computing Foundation” where they received around 3,829 responses overall, around 96% of the...Discuss·14 likes·34 readsKubernetes
Hamees·Oct 25, 2022Kubernetes: Explain like I'm 5Not knowing Kubernetes is a leading cause of impostor syndrome among developers. While everybody is talking about Kubernetes, Docker Compose and Swarm on Twitter, you are googling what is Kubernetes. The typical Google response is: Kubernetes is...Discuss·36 likes·487 readsdevtron
Aditya Narayan·Sep 15, 2022Comprehensive configuration for Devtron with Azure Kubernetes Service From Scratch. (wiki how)What is Devtron? Devtron is a tool integration platform that allows you to add all your DevSecOps tools in one place when you do not need to open multiple tabs. In devtron, you can manage the lifecycle of microservices, CI, CD, security, cost, debu...Discuss·4 likes·355 readsAzure
Siddhant·Sep 6, 2022Getting started with DevtronA lot of organizations use Kubernetes for deploying, monitoring, and scaling their applications. This does have several benefits as Kubernetes provides a lot of useful features. However, Kubernetes by itself, without any integrations is very plain. W...Discuss·14 likes·62 readsdevtron
Avinash·Jul 12, 2022Effortless Helm chart management with DevtronDevtron Devtron is a Kubernetes native CICD tool that simplifies the process of deploying applications to Kubernetes through CICD pipelines that are defined in a simple and user friendly UI. Devtron is also GitOps aware and provides inbuilt vulnerabi...Discuss·4 likes·112 readsKubernetes
Abhinav·Jun 28, 2022Deploying a custom Mongodb operator using Helm ChartsBuilding a Helm chart and managing it, are two different aspects of packaging an application for Kubernetes. Helm is efficient enough to package a complex K8s application and deploy it. When it comes down to app management, there are certain challeng...Discuss·10 likes·37 readsHelm
Abhinav·Apr 29, 2022Decrease your Organization's Carbon footprints using KubernetesIf you are running micro-services these days there is a high probability that you're running it on a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, MS Azure etc. The services of these cloud providers are powered by data centres, which typically comprise tens to thous...Discuss·10 likes·218 readsKubernetes