Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 5, 2024Mathober2024_PartitionSankeyPartition For my fifth sketch of Mathober, Which is coded in MermaidJs, SankeyPartition will be using the 5th prompt of Mathober 2024: Integer Partition and 30th prompt: Commutative. This is done through the Sankey Diagram, where each curve is ...Mathober2024#sankey
Derek Armstrongderekarmstrong.dev·Sep 18, 2024PlantUML: Powerful Diagrams with CodeImagine trying to design a complex software system without any diagrams. It would be like navigating a maze without a map—confusing and inefficient. In software development, clarity is crucial, and that's where diagramming comes into play. But not ju...🧰 Toolbox Treasuresplantuml
Alex PliutauforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Aug 21, 2024How to Create Software Architecture Diagrams Using the C4 ModelAs a developer, you'll likely work on a complex project at some point where deciphering the codebase feels like reading a whole novel. Engineers are code wizards, but even the best get lost in sprawling code. The challenge is that architecture diagra...Software Engineering
Vehbi Sinan Tunaliogluthenegation.hashnode.dev·Aug 14, 2024More Haskell Diagrams: Dynamic OpenGraph ImagesThis blog post is a Literate Haskell program that produces its own OpenGraph image using the infamous Haskell diagrams library. Motivation So far, I have written a few blog posts about generating images with Haskell's diagrams library. In this blog p...Haskell
Vehbi Sinan Tunaliogluthenegation.hashnode.dev·Aug 12, 2024More Haskell Diagrams: OpenGraph ImagesIn this blog post, we are continuing to play with Haskell's diagrams library. We will write a literate Haskell program to generate an OpenGraph image. Motivation I am told that my Website pages should have OpenGraph images. So, I stopped worrying abo...Haskell
Vignesh Aithalvigneshaithal-1720249871490.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024How VPN works (step-by-step guide with diagrams)What is a VPN? A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It gives users a secure way to browse the internet by hiding their IP address and encrypting their data. As the name says VPN is, Virtual - Meaning no physical connection with the server. Priva...How VPN works
Diego Barrancodiagram.hashnode.dev·Apr 18, 2024Rust with diagram: Ownership 3 - Data interaction with CloneBefore delve deeper into how data interacts in memory with clone, you should know about Rust's memory apporach and check Data interaction with Clone article. Variables & Data interaction with Clone Variables and data interaction with clone means that...Rust
Diego Barrancodiagram.hashnode.dev·Apr 17, 2024Rust with diagrams: Ownership 2 - Data interacting with MoveBefore delve deeper into how data interacts in memory, you should know about Rust's memory apporach. When we are writing code that assigns data into Heap, we have two ways to handle variables and data interaction in memory: with Move and with Clone. ...Rust