Manjeet·May 20, 2024Inside RLXOS 2.0 Source Code - Part 2Welcome back to our deep dive into the rlxos 2.0 source code! In Part 1, we set the stage by covering the essentials of setting up the environment, installing prerequisites, building the system, and taking it for a test drive. Now, in Part 2, we’re g...1 like·235 readsrlxos
Raghuu'·May 9, 2024My D's P's L's Js _ Day7 _ Git and GitHub {6}; Getting Familiar {3}; CS50'sT {1}; Other Developments {7}.\\ Let's Begin... \\ Git and GitHub {6}_ Git: Become an Expert in Git & GitHub in 4 Hours (1) : Source: udemy. Git was created by a same person who created Linux. no need to mention their name!. Git Bash vs Bash Shell : Git Bash is a software applic...bash shell·Apr 29, 2024Giving up on Linux (for Now)In the time period of three months or so, I have tried almost all of the flavours of Linux with DE and Distros both. Let's talk about problems first.But before that let me give you the context that you need to know. I am having a i5-11th gen based Xi...Linux
Shailesh Kumar·Mar 7, 2024How to Use Multiple Neovim Distributions on macOSWhat if you want to install multiple Neovim distributions like NvChad, LunarVim, AstroNvim, LazyVim, etc. while also keeping your custom Neovim config on you system. There's two ways to do that. Method #1 This method is by Elijah Manor. Make sure you...4 likes·177 readsVim Tipsneovim·Mar 4, 2024My 3 day journey of distro hoppingIt all started with my desire to learn some Flutter (will talk about it separetly). But as a windows user from childhood. I started the installation process. But for the every possible attempt I got that one f*cking error : Running Gradle task 'assem...35 readsLinux
Elucian·Jul 20, 2023Linux DistributionsLinux distributions are operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Some of the popular Linux distributions are: Here is the list with hyperlinks for each distribution: Linux Mint: is an operating system for desktop and laptop computers. It is desi...Linux ArticlesLinux
Aryan·May 7, 2023Why you should install Linux on your old computerWe all have used computers in the past and they become quite obsolete over time. If you have a 32-bit pc right now or a pc that doesn't support Windows 11, there's a good chance that it might be useless once Windows 10 loses full support in October 2...Operating SystemsLinux