Saurabh Mahajanblog.saurabhmahajan.com路Jan 20, 2025Clean Code - The Practical GuideIntroduction In the vast landscape of software development, writing code is not just about instructing a computer to perform a task; it's about crafting a language that communicates with fellow developers, both present and future. Clean code is the a...82 readsFundamentalscode
shohanur rahmanshohan777.hashnode.dev路Jan 15, 2025Essential Software Development Principles.Maintaining Software Development Principles is essential for writing simple and maintainable code. These are concepts to follow while coding to write better future proof code. Let鈥檚 take a glimpse on the core principles. S.O.L.I.D principles: - development principles
seo2hexa-home-dry-principles.hashnode.dev路Jan 6, 2025Embracing the DRY Principle in Software DevelopmentThe DRY principle, which stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself," is a cornerstone of effective software development. Introduced in the influential book The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, this principle emphasizes the importance of ...dry
Ayomikun Osotaayoosota.hashnode.dev路Oct 8, 2024Same Same is Good EnoughAs a developer, I鈥檝e been fed a consistent message throughout my career: Don鈥檛 Repeat Yourself (DRY). Every course I've taken, whether from Andrei, Angela, John, or other instructors, has drilled this principle into my head. The message is always the...abstraction
Pratiksha kadamlastoyster.hashnode.dev路Oct 2, 2024Building Design System in FlutterEmbracing the fundamental principle of clean code is essential for any successful software development project. One of the key principles to follow is the DRY principle - Don't Repeat Yourself. This rule emphasizes the importance of avoiding redundan...Flutter
Chineta Adinnunetacci.hashnode.dev路Sep 17, 2024The Importance of Component Reusability in React: How to Write DRY CodeIn software development, writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code is important. One principle that plays a crucial role in achieving this is DRY鈥擠on't Repeat Yourself. DRY encourages reducing repetition in code by centralizing logic and compone...32 readsReact
賽Aya Nabil OthmanforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org路Sep 6, 2024How to Write Cleaner Code Using Mongoose SchemasIf you are used to building NodeJS applications using the Mongoose ORM, this article is for you. In it, we'll discuss some cool features of Mongoose schemas that'll help you write more organized and maintainable code. To get the most out of this guid...mongoose
Vivekheyvivek.com路Jul 28, 2024Why I Emphasize KISS and DRY Over SOLID Principles in Software Development 馃殌In the world of software development, principles and methodologies are essential for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Among the various principles, KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), DRY (Don鈥檛 Repeat Yourself), and SOLID principles are o...10 likes路33 readsKISS Principle
Palanivel SundaraRajan GugaGuruNathangurupalaniveltech.hashnode.dev路May 31, 2024DRY - Don' t Repeat YourselfAs the name implies ,our code should not be repeated . Bad code - DRY Principle not followed public class Matrix { public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] matrix = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, { principles
akash javaliblog.akashjavali.com路May 10, 2024Mastering Efficiency: The DRY Principle in Software EngineeringIntroduction: In the dynamic world of software engineering, efficiency is paramount. As developers strive to create robust, maintainable, and scalable systems, adhering to established principles becomes crucial. One such principle that stands as a co...98 readsHTML5