Alexander Arlund Nø·Nov 3, 2024Building an Events Application: Querying events and indexing with GINIn my last blog post we explored how to expose a simple API using the Echo Go framework and GORM ORM. We also took a look at how I wanted to represent an event in the database, including using tags and geolocation for search and filtering purposes. G...PostgreSQL
Alexander Arlund Nø·Sep 24, 2024FeaturedBuilding an Events Application: Kickstarting Development with Echo and GORM in GoIn my previous blog post “Choosing the right tools,” I decided to develop the events application using the Echo web framework for Golang and GORM for database querying. In this post, we will begin developing the API for the events application. But fi...18 likes·233 readsecho-web-framework
Alexander Arlund Nø·Sep 11, 2024Building an Events Application: Choosing the right toolsSo much water has flowed under the bridge since my last blog post. Mind you that I have been working quite a lot on this project, I just didn't get around to write about it. So, let's pick up where we left off! In my last post I talked about some of ...26 readsgolang
Albert Hongseok·Feb 9, 2021Go Web Framework - Echo1. 서론. 언어에 상관 없이 네트워크 소켓만 열 수 있다면 서버 개발이 가능합니다. 그 중 HTTP를 열어두면 웹 서버가 되는 것이죠. 요즘 언어들은 정형화 된 HTTP 모듈을 기본적으로 제공하기 때문에 간단한 웹 서버 정도는 쉽게 개발 가능합니다. 하지만 기능이 복잡해질수록 프레임워크의 힘이 발휘됩니다. 라우팅, 헤더/파라미터/바디 파싱, JSON 인코드/디코드, 인증, 로깅, 파일 업/다운로드, TLS 등등 많은 것들이 이미 구현되어 제...Echo framework