Md.Anisur·May 7, 2023Principal Component Analysis in MLIn short,PCA(Principal Component Analysis) is a dimensional reduction technique used for high dimensional dataset(i.e many columns) , it's basically taking a snap shot of the dimension of data from an angle so that we can capture the max varience of ...Discuss·1 like·71 readsMachine Learning
Amir·Mar 25, 2023The Algorithm behind Google's Webpage RankingIntroduction PageRank, the Algorithm is infamous for being Google's original Webpage ranking Algorithm, of course, Google has made huge changes to this algorithm, but the core of it is still very useful to dive into since Google has swept away the ma...Discuss·41 readsGoogle
Karan·Feb 1, 2023Eigenvectors and EigenvaluesPrerequisites Linear Transformation and Determinants are the two concepts one needs to be clear about before attempting to learn what Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues are. Once familiar with them, the core concept is pretty simple to grasp. Core concept ...Discuss·82 readsLinear AlgebraMatrix