Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu Biruemu.hashnode.dev·Nov 3, 2023Adding Ellipsis to Text Using Only HTML and CSSText truncation, often represented by ellipsis (…), is a useful technique to control the display of lengthy text content within limited space. With just HTML and CSS, you can easily achieve this effect. In this blog post, we'll explore how to add ell...Discussellipsis
Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu Biruemu.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 2023Creating Text with Ellipsis in HTML and CSSText truncation with ellipsis is a common technique used in web design to handle situations where text content is too long to fit within a fixed width container. This technique allows users to see a snippet of the text with an ellipsis (...) at the e...Discuss·36 readsellipsis