Mircea Capriorublog.flowkernel.ro·Sep 6, 2023kas - A Tool for Setting Up Yocto Projects Quicklykas is a tool developed by Siemens that aims to simplify and speed up the process of setting up Yocto projects. It achieves this by: Cloning and checking out Yocto layers specified in a YAML configuration file Generating default bblayers.conf and l...104 readsembedded
Ariesariesgun.xyz·Aug 10, 2023Developing GUI Application using LVGL on Raspberry PiLVGL, typically used for developing GUIs for microcontrollers that have limited resources, can also be used to create GUIs for more powerful boards, such as Raspberry Pi. In this article, I'll demonstrate how to use the LVGL framework to create an em...1.5K readsRaspberry Pi
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Mar 19, 2023Writing and Inserting a 'Hello World' Kernel Module for the Beaglebone Black (Buildroot)This blog follows my previous one on Setting Up Networking and an HTTP Server on the BeagleBone Black with Buildroot. This is part of my independent study course on Embedded Linux and follows from many of my past blogs. My final unit is an intro to D...1.7K readsbeaglebone black
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Mar 5, 2023Setting Up Networking and an HTTP Server on the BeagleBone Black with BuildrootThis is a continuation of my previous blog where we set up a minimal Linux system for the BeagleBone Black with Buildroot. Today we're going to set up networking and an HTTP server on the board to serve web pages. Why might we want to do that? Take f...1.1K readsbeaglebone black
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Feb 15, 2023Creating a Minimal Linux System for the BeagleBone Black with BuildrootIf you've been following my earlier blogs, this is a continuation of my independent study course on Embedded Linux. In the previous blogs, I covered building a Linux system from scratch. But now it's time to upgrade to a build system. I'm going to be...6.4K readsembedded linux
Heretechalheretechal.hashnode.dev·Feb 12, 2023The RISC-V Files - Part 2: Digging DeeperA look at the ISA As before, please note that I am not a RISC-V expert. This information has been gleaned from multiple sources and where possible I'll link to the original documents. The RISC-V ISA was designed to be as modular as possible so that m...285 readsriscv
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Jan 27, 2023Building a Root Filesystem For the Beaglebone BlackThis is Part 3 of this blog series, this is a continuation of the write-up for my assignment. This blog is based on Bootlin's Embedded Linux Course as well as Frank Vasquez and Chris Simmonds Mastering Embedded Linux Programming, so you may have some...1.7K readsembedded linux
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Jan 24, 2023Compiling and Porting the Linux Kernel to the Beaglebone BlackThis is Part 3 of this blog series, this is a continuation of the write-up for my assignment. This blog is based on Bootlin's Embedded Linux Course as well as Frank Vasquez and Chris Simmonds Mastering Embedded Linux Programming, so you may have some...1.1K readsembedded linux
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Jan 22, 2023Porting U-Boot onto the BeagleboneSimilar to Part 1 of this blog series, this is a continuation of the write-up for my assignment. This blog is based on Bootlin's Embedded Linux Course as well as Frank Vasquez and Chris Simmonds Mastering Embedded Linux Programming, so you may have s...1.8K readsbeaglebone black
Bill Van Leeuwenblog.billvanleeuwen.ca·Jan 18, 2023Creating a Cross-compiling Toolchain For Beaglebone Black With Crosstool-NGThis semester, I am doing an independent study course on embedded Linux. This tutorial is the writeup for part 1 of my first assignment This blog is based on Bootlin's Embedded Linux Course as well as Frank Vasquez and Chris Simmonds Mastering Embedd...2.2K readsembedded linux