Hamidreza Mahdavipanahhamidreza.tech·Nov 22, 2024Pitfalls of URL and URLSearchParams in JavaScriptIt All Started With a Bug Working with URLs in JavaScript and Node.js should be straightforward, but a recent bug in our project led me down a rabbit hole of subtle quirks in the URL and URLSearchParams APIs. This post will explore these quirks, how ...451 readsNode.js
정승아forCodeSnapcodesnapmag.hashnode.dev·Nov 6, 2024문자 인코딩 탐구 - Part 1: 문자 집합, ASCII, 유니코드, UTF-32 등원문: David Varghese, "Character Encoding Explored - Part 1: Character Set, ASCII, Unicode, UTF-32 & More" 컴퓨터가 왜 문자를 인코딩해야 하는지 이해하려면 먼저 컴퓨터가 데이터를 처리하는 방식을 알아야 합니다. 컴퓨터는 데이터를 1과 0으로 이루어진 시스템을 통해 처리합니다. 숫자 42든 문자 d든, 컴퓨터가 이해할 수 있도록 1과 0의 스트림으로 변환되어야 합니...3 likesNovember 2024encoding
Logeshwaran Nlogeshwrites.hashnode.dev·Oct 8, 2024Easy Fix for the "Unexpected NUL in Input" Error in Go ProgrammingWhen learning Go (Golang), you may encounter an unexpected error called "Unexpected NUL in input". This error can be confusing for beginners, but its root cause and solution are relatively simple. In this article, we'll explore what causes the error,...golang
Riya Sanderriyasander.hashnode.dev·Sep 27, 2024Encoding vs Encryption: A Technical Comparison and ExplanationIn the world of digital communication and data transfer, encoding and encryption are essential concepts. Both convert data from one form to another, but the purpose and function are quite different. Encoding provides data that is formatted for compat...40 readsencoding
sai phanindrablog.saiphanindra.com·Sep 8, 2024Encryption, Encoding, and Hashing: Understanding the DifferencesIn today's digital age, data security is more crucial than ever. With the increasing threat of cyberattacks and data breaches, it's essential to understand the different techniques used to protect sensitive information. Encryption, encoding, and hash...Cryptography and SecurityCryptography
Emeron Marcelleemerondomain.hashnode.dev·Sep 8, 2024Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning with Scikit-learnData preprocessing is a crucial step in the machine learning pipeline. It helps in preparing the data for modeling by transforming features, scaling data, handling missing values, and encoding categorical variables. In this post, we will explore comm...Python 3
Vivek Khatritech.peculiarvivek.com·Aug 24, 2024DDIA - Chapter 4 - Encoding and Evolution - Thoughts and notesThe fourth chapter, the last chapter of part 1 of the DDIA book. Lessgo! What does software do? It propagates the transfer of data, well, it is too simple of an explanation, there are logical layers in between to make the data go to the right place i...29 readsDatabases
Cosmicoppaicosmicoppai.com·Jul 29, 2024Character Vs ByteThe "characters vs bytes bug" usually refers to an issue that arises in programming when there is confusion between the number of characters and the number of bytes in a string. This is a common issue in languages and systems where the encoding of ch...64 readsComputer Science
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Jul 26, 2024Exploring Various Types of Encoding in Computing and Data CommunicationExploring Various Types of Encoding in Computing and Data Communication In the realm of computing and data communication, encoding is a fundamental process that represents data in different formats for efficient storage, transmission, and interpretat...encoding
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Jul 2, 2024Base16 Encoding (Hexadecimal) - The BasicsBase16 Encoding (Hexadecimal) - The Basics Base16 encoding, commonly known as hexadecimal or simply hex, is a numeral system that uses 16 distinct symbols to represent values. These symbols are the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F (or a-f). Hexadecimal...150 readsbase16