Nile·Aug 31, 2024JavaScript Best Practices for Building Scalable Web ApplicationsIntroduction: JavaScript is an essential tool in web development, providing support for a wide range of projects, from basic websites to intricate, data-heavy applications. Nevertheless, as projects increase in both size and complexity, developers fr...JavaScript
Subrata·Aug 4, 2024A Journey of a Shopping Cart: From Corner Shop to E-Shop 🛒🛍️ (Part 1)In the ever-changing world of software development, moving from simple procedural code to advanced, modular, and reusable code is crucial. In this post, we will go through the transformation of a basic shopping cart calculation script through differe...70 readsEncapsulation and Organisation
Zakeer Hussain SyedforFullstack·Mar 26, 2024ES6 Modules with Import and Export in JavaScriptES6 Modules in JavaScript introduced a standard syntax for encapsulating and sharing code across files, promoting better code organization, reuse, and maintainability. This feature allows developers to split their code into smaller, more manageable ...78 readses6 modules
Roni·Nov 8, 2023ES6 JavaScript Modules : The Simplest Explanation From ScratchWhy Modules? CommonJS was one of the earliest module systems to gain popularity in JavaScript, especially in server-side environments like Node.js.AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) came next and was designed primarily for the browser environment.E...1 likeJavaScript
Chris·Sep 4, 2023A Detailed Guide on Modern JavaScript ES6+ FeaturesSince 1995, when Brendan Eich wrote the scripting language now known as JavaScript, JavaScript has undergone remarkable updates in recent years. Every year, the ECMAScript Foundation runs a JavaScript update and releases new features for JavaScript. ...76 readsJavaScript
Sri·Jul 27, 2023Exploring ES6: Modern Javascript FeaturesI am so excited to share with u what I learned in ES6 What is ES6 and why is used in Javascript : ES6 stands for ECMAScript and is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript standard, It introduces new features and significant enhancements to javascript, an...JavaScript
Priyanshu·May 17, 2023Import-Export in JavaScript, The Easiest GuideWe import-export modules, let's first see what they are: Modules in JavaSript As the size of our code increases we divide it into smaller pieces called modules. A module in JavaScript is just a file containing any class, function, etc. These modules ...10 likes·33 readses6 modules
Manasa·Dec 25, 2022Organizing code in vanilla js projects using ModulesThe main theme of this blog is to learn and avoid mistakes while organizing code into modules. This blog assumes you have some familiarity with using import and export statements in Javascript frameworks or libraries like Angular and React. Why do we...920 readsJavaScript
Samuel·Nov 24, 2022The requested module does not provide an export named in JSApparently, l ran into another bug today. At first, the problem was not visible in the browser, so it was quite confusing. I then checked my chrome dev tools to find the error. In the browser console, I got the error message that reads: "The requeste...2.4K readsES6
Jake·Nov 22, 2022ECMAScript modules. Going beyond the ordinaryLet’s say you’re working on a static site generator, and while implementing new features you decide to import text files (HTML, MD, CSS, SVG, etc) as dependencies into JavaScript files. Sure, you may use a bundler with some loader, but what if your b...1 like·80 readsFrontend Development