·Jan 30, 2025Let's Talk BundlersA bundler is a tool that takes multiple JavaScript, CSS, and other assets and combines them into a single (or a few) optimised files for efficient loading in a web browser. What Does This Mean? Let’s break this down with an example. Imagine you're bu...10 likesJavaScript
Pratham·Jan 25, 2025A Complete Node.js + TypeScript Setup with Rollup, Jest, and NodemonBuilding a Node.js application with TypeScript can be an excellent choice for modern JavaScript development. It offers type safety, better tooling, and is great for scaling. But the real power comes when you combine TypeScript with a solid bundler, t...1 likeNode.js
Crispin·Aug 30, 2024Lightning-Fast React Setup 2024: How to Build a React App with esbuild in MinutesIntroduction In the fast-paced world of web development, efficiency and speed are crucial. React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, has empowered developers to create dynamic and responsive web applications. H...103 readsReact
Nicanor Talks·Jul 29, 2024JavaScript and TypeScript BundlersI recently took on a #WeekendBuild challenge idea to create an autocomplete/autosuggestions input package, nicanor-autocomplete. Of course, it seems like a stupid idea, but the end game was learning and building a package-ready product. In the proces...Bundler
Thomas·Apr 29, 2024You might not need SASS anymoreOk. I did it. Back to (almost) plain old regular css for building my last project. You would think that SASS would be absolutely necessary to have a pleasant DX, but as it turns out, I don't think I need it anymore. I don't know about you, but as far...226 readsCSS
Rubén·Mar 4, 2024What type of builders there are in Angular?Since the release of Angular 17, now we have three different builders to choose from when building our applications. These builders are based on Webpack, EsBuild, and serve the purpose of Server-Side Rendering (SSR). In this article, we will explore ...11 likes·531 readsAngularAngular
Hasen·Jan 2, 2024How to create a React app from scratch (2024)This is a guide for setting up the frontend of a web application that can import libraries from npm: the node package manager. The article's title mentions React, but this is done for the purpose of helping people find this guide (aka "SEO"). Althoug...React
Vishwajeetsingh·Oct 17, 2023Unleash Rails 7 UI Development with ESBuildUI development in web applications has seen significant advancements in recent years, and the Rails framework has embraced these changes with each new release. Rails 7 introduces the ESBuild bundler, which brings a range of benefits to UI development...Rails
David·Jul 14, 2023Integrating Mapbox into a Phoenix 1.7 Project - Part 1 - Project SetupI recently needed to add Mapbox to a Phoenix project and it took a few attempts to get a clean result without modifying too much of the Phoenix project structure. So, this article documents the process for anyone else that needs to do this. Project S...104 readsIntegrating Mapbox into a Phoenix 1.7 ProjectPhoenix framework
Daniel·Mar 13, 2023Esbuild, Vite e o fim do WebpackWebpack e seus concorrentes foram fantásticos para o empacotamento de projetos de front-end durante muito tempo, porém eles carregam o fardo de ser uma tecnologia com mais de 10 anos, em um contexto extremamente volátil e disruptivo como a web, entre...381 readsesbuild