Ryan Leerlee.dev·Dec 17, 2024How To Use an ESM dependency in a library that exports ESM+CJSA common problem Typescript library developers face is when importing libraries that only output ESM. For example [the standard library (@std) from the JSR repo](https://jsr.io/@std) only outputs ESM as according to Deno’s mandate. However for most T...TypeScript
Ariska Hidayattech.finlup.id·Dec 9, 2024Apa Itu Tree-Shaking? Teknik Optimasi untuk Mengurangi Ukuran Bundel dan Meningkatkan Performa AplikasiTree-shaking adalah teknik optimasi dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, terutama pada bundler JavaScript seperti Webpack, Rollup, atau Parcel, yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan kode yang tidak terpakai (dead code) dalam aplikasi web. Prinsip dasar t...tree shaking
Ariska Hidayattech.finlup.id·Dec 9, 2024CommonJS vs ES Modules: Perbandingan Lengkap, Kelebihan, Kekurangan, dan Kapan MenggunakannyaKelebihan dan Kekurangan CommonJS (CJS) Kelebihan: Mature dan Stabil CommonJS telah digunakan secara luas di Node.js sejak awal, sehingga didukung secara luas oleh ekosistem Node.js. Eksekusi Dinamis Anda dapat mengimpor modul secara dinamis dengan...commonjs
JoLoblog.jolo.dev·Jul 12, 2024Oh CommonJS! Why are you mESMing with me?!It was a normal patching day. I patched and upgraded my npm dependencies without making code changes, and suddenly, some of my unit tests failed. Wtf! My tests failed because Jest encountered an unexpected token; they failed because Jest cannot han...41 readsesm
Sofiane BOUMEDINEblog.sofiane-boumedine.com·May 3, 2024ESM vs. CommonJS: La révolution Node.js avec Node 22Faisons la paix entre ESM et CommonJS avec Node.js 22 Salut les développeurs ! Aujourd'hui, on va plonger dans un débat qui anime la communauté Node.js depuis un moment : la différence entre ESM (ECMAScript Modules) et CommonJS. Et devinez quoi ? Nod...30 readsnode22
Kevin BlancoforAppsmithappsmith.hashnode.dev·Oct 13, 2023🎉 Appsmith Now Supports ESM Javascript Libraries 🔥 But what are CJS, AMD, UMD, and ESM in Javascript?In the beginning, JavaScript was a wild and untamed language, devoid of any built-in modularity. Thankfully, the brilliant minds of the developer community recognized this limitation and embarked on a quest to bring modularity to JavaScript. This jo...39 readsJavaScript
Okiki Ojoblog.okikio.dev·Jul 8, 2023Mastering the Art of ESM and CJS Package HandlingGreetings, fellow devs and bundlejs aficionados! 🚀 I was closing out some long lived issues over on bundlejs, when issue #50 reminded me of the ongoing debate about how bundlejs should handle the ESM and CJS packages. Lightbulbs flickered, coffee wa...1 like·1.8K readsbundlejsTypeScript