Ryan Gibbonsryangibbons.hashnode.dev·Feb 26, 2022Making an Exponent Calculator in JavaScriptTLDR: Here's a thing I made. https://codepen.io/ryangibbons/pen/eYeMzWy The Task Hello, welcome to my blog. Thank you for joining me here. So I read this chapter from https://javascript.info/ last week and one of the tasks at the end of that chapter ...116 readsExponent
Alex Melnykhashnode.alexmelnyk.io·Apr 14, 2021FeaturedWhy should you try ExpoI remember Expo when it was far from ideal, not so many features were implemented and some of them were not properly working, but… A few months ago I’ve started a new project from scratch using the Expo.io platform, it was the decision of my client....92 likes·522 readsExpo