Enoch George Mullerblog.aiprofi.com·May 23, 2024Create Your Own AI-Powered Chatbot for WordPress with VectorShift! 🤖Ever dreamed of having a chatbot on your website that can answer any question using your custom data? Let's make that dream a reality with VectorShift! Imagine having a chatbot on your website that can answer questions using your own data. Sounds am...DiscussWordPress
Tony Joetonyjoe.dev·Nov 19, 2023How to easily export in Excel or CSV with Laravel"Hey Tony 🙏, I need to export those results to Excel by tomorrow morning otherwise I get fired! 🤯" Has something like this ever happened to you? Ok, keep calm and don't reinvent the wheel. Fortunately, the Laravel ecosystem is wonderful and provi...Discuss·786 readsLaravel