Vinayak·Oct 25, 2024Protecting Your FiveM Server: Cloudflare Spectrum for DDoS Protection and Enhanced RoutingAs the founder of Clouduxe, I've seen first-hand the cyber threats that come with the popularity of FiveM servers. Gamers demand a seamless, reliable experience, and achieving that can be challenging when DDoS attacks are always a risk. Disruptions f...cloudflare
Aayush·Oct 7, 2024Lua Expert specializing in FiveM development with proficiency in QBcore. Aayush Niraula brings four years of expertise to the table.Getting Started with FiveM Dev: Insights and Experiences : Weasker Community | Official Interview Link How I Started in FiveM Development ? My journey in FiveM development began about four years ago, well deep within a roleplay server. Having first e...33 readsFiveM
Zohrab·Apr 2, 2024Initializing TablesIf you're anything like me, then you also prefer to organize your code within one globalized table rather than multiple. Or even if you're not that way, and you prefer keeping all your code inside of localized tables within each file; everyone comes ...Lua Out of Syntaxmetatable·Mar 7, 2024# How to protect your FiveM server (Linux)So first of all, hello and welcome. You might be aware that there's a ton of ways to correctly protect your GTA RolePlay server against threats. But what's a good protection? First from a connection standpoint. Whether you use a DDoS protection (like...147 readsFiveM
Aayush·Sep 2, 2023FiveM DeveloperHi, I am a highly skilled FiveM server developer with 3 years of experience in the gaming industry. My expertise includes Lua Custom Scripts Mlos, and I have worked on numerous successful FiveM server projects for clients around the world. My focus i...Developer