Ferran Buireuferranbuireu.hashnode.dev·Aug 14, 2024Floating Math Point: The Phantom Menace of Precision$$0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004$$Hear me out. Try doing 0.1 + 0.2 in your browser console and prepare for the unexpected. Why is the result 0.30000000000000004? Have I been deceived my entire life? Should I even trust my math teachers anymore? This...DiscussMathematics
Nikolai Ternovoicpudesign.hashnode.dev·Aug 13, 2024Разбираемся с NaN-boxingСегодня поговорим о таком механизме как NaN boxing, косвенно затронем тему представления значений в формате NaN [Not-a-Number]. Зачем же боксируют между собой значения NaN и что им друг от друга нужно? Давайте вспомним значения битовых полей в предст...Discuss·8 likesrisc-v
Manikanta Inugurthimanicodes.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2024Demystifying Floating Point Numbers: How Computers Store and Handle ThemLast week when I was having lunch, I suddenly thought of how floating point numbers are stored in binary representation. Even though I've been programming for a while, I couldn't remember and took this for granted. Let's dive into this basic idea tog...Discussbinary
Atanu Sarkardisciple.hashnode.dev·Jan 8, 2024What about that point? Just let it float, duhThis piece presents an utterly complicated topic - IEEE754 Standard - in its distilled form, so it's relatively short. I've been prohibited from sharing any of the problems from my lab sessions. Apologies for that. But I've tried hard to subside the ...Discuss·26 readsfloating point arithmetic
Phakorn KiongProblog.phakorn.com·Jan 7, 2024JSON's Numeric Boundaries: The Lesser-Known Reality of Inaccurate FiguresIntroductions JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a cornerstone in the world of data exchange, particularly in web applications. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and readability, making it the preferred choice for developers worldwide. Howe...Discuss·1.4K readsjson
Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Dec 15, 2023Types in CIn C, types are categorized into several basic categories: integer types, floating-point types, and other types such as void and pointer types. Here's an overview of the types in C, along with sample code snippets and the typical range of values they...Discuss·185 readsC Programmingc types
Raineraineyang.hashnode.dev·Dec 4, 2023Learning Note: Floating-Point Numbers and Round-off ErrorThis article is a summary of Chapter 3 of: Yazawa, H. (2015). 程序是怎么跑起来的[How Program Works] (L. Fengjun, Trans.). People's Posts and Telecommunications Press Representing Fractions with Binary The convertion between binary and decimal for fraction num...DiscussEXCESS
Vikram Jayanthvr63.hashnode.dev·Oct 4, 2023Exploring Inaccuracies in Computer ArithmeticINTRODUCTION When I started to learn programming everything seemed to be simple and easy except for floating-point arithmetic. Yeah, you may argue with me that floating-point numbers are just numbers with decimal places like 1.1 and why would someone...Discuss·11 likes·79 readsIEEE 754
Abou Zuhayrblog.zuhayr.dev·Jul 31, 2023Floating-Point FolliesGreetings, code wranglers and binary whisperers! Today, we're diving headfirst into the wacky world of floating-point numbers. You know, those pesky decimals that make your computer seem like it flunked out of kindergarten math. Buckle up, because th...Discuss·10 likes·46 readsJava
Rishabh Singhrishabhsinghcodes.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2023Why 0.1+0.2 !== 0.3 in JavaScript?Is JS incapable of solving these simple math problems? 🧐 Understanding the problem All the number systems like decimal, binary, hexadecimal etc. have some limitations or edge cases. E.g.: The number of 3's after the decimal point in 1/3 is more than...Discuss·2 likes·557 readsJavaScript