Ridwan Tajudeenridwantajudeent.hashnode.dev·Aug 25, 2024How to import font in Zip format to your React project.It’s funny how we can be ignorant of little things even after many years of experience in our respective fields. A few days ago, I was working on a project, and my PM sent me a font to be used for the project. The font was in a ZIP folder. I was dumb...DiscussReact
Jordi Ollé Ballestéjordi0lle.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 2024My Top 10 Coding FontsIn my opinion, choosing the right font for coding can make a big difference in your overall experience. In this article, I’ll be sharing my top 10 favorite programming fonts, based on my personal preferences. 1. MonoLisa (Paid with free limited optio...Discuss·1.1K readstop10
Turanya Sharmaturanyasharma.hashnode.dev·Aug 15, 2024Mastering Font Styles with CSSFonts are the building blocks of typography, a crucial element in web design. Let's dive into the fundamental CSS properties that control font appearance. 1) Font Color The color property determines the text color within an element. Color names: Use...DiscussHTML
Manish Kumar Guptaheismanish.hashnode.dev·Jul 30, 2024Changing Fonts in Next.jsFonts play a crucial role in web design, influencing the readability, aesthetics, and overall user experience of your application. Recently, while working on an assessment in Next.js, I faced a challenge with changing the font (I forgot how to do it ...Discuss·2 likesNext.js
xiaohanxiaohan.hashnode.dev·Jul 21, 2024在Linux(Ubuntu)下安装Arial、Times New Roman等字体在Linux下做文档、作图的时候,可能需要用到Arial和Times New Roman等字体。但是由于版权问题,Linux一般是不直接提供这些字体的。注意字体也是有版权的!不过有版权也不代表一定会收费。 如何安装呢?以Ubuntu为例,执行以下指令即可: $ sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer # 安装 $ sudo fc-cache # 生效 由于前面提到版权问题,虽然这部分字体不收费,但是安装时需要用户同意一些协议,同意即可。执行完成后,...Discussfonts
Jalaj Singhaljalajsinghal3.hashnode.dev·Mar 22, 2024CSS FontCSS Font CSS fonts offer a range of options to style the text content within HTML elements. It gives you the ability to control different aspects of fonts, including font family, font size, font weight, font style, and more. These are some important ...DiscussHTML5
Animesh Shresthaanimesh-prg.hashnode.dev·Dec 10, 2023#MyView - Top 5 Fonts for Web DevelopmentIntroduction When it comes to web development, choosing the right font is essential. The font you choose can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your website. It can affect readability, user experience, and even the perception o...DiscussWeb Development
Pratik MforThe Tech Deckthetechdeck.hashnode.dev·Nov 25, 2023How to Change Font in NotionNotion is a popular productivity app that lets you create notes, lists, calendars, and more in a flexible workspace. One of the great things about Notion is the ability to customize the look and feel of your pages. This includes changing the font sty...Discussnotion
Joe Roskopfblog.joetr.com·Nov 15, 2023Seamless Typography in Action: Implementing Custom Fonts in Compose Multiplatform for Android, iOS, and DesktopI recently needed to use a custom font for my Compose multiplatform project Sync Sphere and I thought I'd share my solution in case it was helpful to anyone else. First, we need to add a font to commonMain/resources/font For this example, I have gon...Discuss·281 readscompose multiplatform
himanshugopalkdwivedi.hashnode.dev·Nov 11, 2023All about Margin , padding , text , font and display in css(lt.16)Margin: Margins are the space outside the border of an element. They provide spacing between elements. Margin adds space outside of the element Padding: The padding property specifies the amount of space between the border of an element and its conte...Discuss·9 likespadding vs margin