Zeeshan Safdarzeeshansafdar.hashnode.dev·Nov 6, 2024Why Do We Need Front-End Frameworks Like React?Ever wondered why we use frameworks like React instead of just sticking with Vanilla JavaScript? Let’s look at how front-end development has evolved to see why frameworks have become essential. A Look Back: Before 2010, websites were mostly rendered ...Frontend Development
Sasika Chandilasasika.hashnode.dev·Oct 29, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to React State ManagementWhat is State in React? In React, "state" refers to the data that a component manages and renders. A component’s state can hold any data related to the UI, such as form input values, user preferences, or API responses. React manages state as an objec...2 likesReactContext
Naz Islamnazislam.hashnode.dev·Aug 27, 2024How to Configure Environment Variables in Angular ApplicationWhile developing the Frontend interface of our Angular application, we often need to configure environment variables for different environments (eg. development, performance, production, etc.). These configurations often vary by the environment. For ...112 reads2Articles1Week
Vivekheyvivek.com·Aug 13, 2024🌟 Simplifying Web Development with Lit Components: JavaScript Web Components Made EasierIn the evolving landscape of web development, the need for reusable, modular, and efficient components has become paramount. While JavaScript Web Components provide a powerful solution to these needs, they often come with a steep learning curve. This...11 likes·313 readslit
Shikhar Shuklashikhar99.hashnode.dev·Aug 8, 2024Building a Custom React from Scratch with Vanilla JavaScriptReact is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications. But have you ever wondered what happens under the hood when React renders an element? In this blog, we'll explore this by creatin...88 readsReact
Victor Uzoagbavictoru.hashnode.dev·Aug 5, 2024Performance Optimization: Techniques to Speed-Up Front-End AppsUsers in the digital world today demand fast, responsive web application services. Performance optimization is key to delivering the experience users expect and determines user engagement, retention, and satisfaction. This article discusses some of t...front-end
Richard Westmorelandilearnedathing.com·Jul 22, 2024Upgrade Your JavaScript Skills Through TypeScriptIntroduction As a JavaScript developer, you've likely encountered situations where you wished for more robust tooling, better error-catching, or clearer code structure. Enter TypeScript: a powerful superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing...32 readsTypeScript
Gunjan Aroragunhack.hashnode.dev·Jul 20, 2024Crafting Exceptional User-Facing Web Pages: Frontend Development Best Practices"Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad." – Cory House Introduction Frontend development is a critical aspect of web development, focusing on creating engaging, interactive, and user-friendly experiences. As a frontend developer,...1 like·65 readsWeb Development
Harsh Guptaharsh756.hashnode.dev·Jul 13, 2024Mastering JavaScript Asynchronous Operations (Part-1)In this post, we will delve into the nuances of asynchronous JavaScript by exploring the setTimeout and clearTimeout functions. Understanding these concepts will enhance your ability to write efficient and non-blocking JavaScript code. Setting Up Our...10 likesProgramming Blogs
Aniket Dhaygudeaniket04blog.hashnode.dev·Jul 10, 2024Simplify Authentication with Kinde Auth: A Step-by-Step GuideAuthentication is a critical aspect of any web application. Ensuring secure and seamless access for users can be complex and time-consuming. However, with Kinde Auth, this process becomes much simpler. In this blog post, we'll explore what Kinde Auth...19 likesJavaScript