Bhavesh·May 31, 2024Important Terminologies in JavaScript1. Function Statement A function statement is a simple way of creating a function: function a() { console.log("a called"); } This simple way of creating a function is known as a function statement. 2. Function Expression A function expression is w...10 likes·41 readsJavascript Basicsnamed function expression
Jemin·Mar 19, 2024Day 9 : Function Declaration ,Expression ,Constructor , Hoisting , Self-invoking FunctionFunction JavaScript functions are defined with the function keyword. You can use a function declaration or a function expression. Function Declaration:- function functionName(parameters) { // code to be executed } Declared functions are not exec...self-invoking function
Jieun·Mar 12, 2024JavaScript: 어떤 방식으로 함수 정의하는 것을 선호하세요? - (1)들어가며 인터뷰에서 "어떤 방식으로 함수 정의하는 것을 선호하세요?" 라는 질문을 받은 적이 있다. 그 당시에는 JS에 관한 공부가 부족했기에 정의 방식에 따라 어떤 차이가 있는지 확실하게 알지 못했다. 고로 대답은 했지만 그에 대한 근거가 부족했다. JS를 공부하고 나서 이 질문의 큰 그림을 알게 되었다. 함수 정의 방식에 따라 스코프, 호이스팅, this 등 JS의 다른 개념들이 숨어있었고 그 개념들까지 제대로 알고 있느냐를 판단하기 위한 ...58 readsJavaScript
Jae Yeon·Nov 10, 2023Function Expression vs. Function DeclarationFormat // Function Expression const expression = function () { console.log('this is a function expression); } // Function Declaration function declaration () { console.log('this is a function declaration); } Difference Name A function exp...functions
Corina·Oct 27, 2023Demystifying Function Declarations Within Conditional BlocksIn the two previous posts in this series about hoisting, we talked about how function declarations - using the function keyword - are hoisted along with their definitions. This means we can call such a function BEFORE its code even appears, and it wi...Hoisting in JavaScriptfunction declaration
Deborah·Aug 3, 2023Function Declarations Vs Function ExpressionsIt's necessary for a developer who is new to JavaScript functions to understand the difference between function declarations and function expressions. This article will shed more light on them. Function Declaration Function declarations are just norm...21 likes·44 readsJavaScript
akshit·Jul 1, 2023Functions JunctionThe functions are the heart of JavaScript. Then what are functions? Functions are the way of writing code that can be used anywhere in the code. In javascript, there are many different ways of writing functions. Let's discuss them Function Declaratio...67 readsJavaScript
Gideon·Jun 8, 2023Functions and Types in C Programming: A Comprehensive Guide.Introduction Programming in general has something we call functions, now in particular, we will be looking at functions in C programming. A Function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions help in breaking down large programs into...10 likes·177 reads2Articles1Week
Ritesh·May 17, 2023Difference Between Function Declaration and Function ExpressionFunction Declaration and Function Expression are two ways to define functions in JavaScript. They differ in how they are declared and how they are hoisted within the code. Function Declaration: A function declaration is a statement that defines a na...78 readsJavaScript