Neisser Moreno·Aug 4, 2024Base template for end-to-end testing using Gherkin, Cucumber, and Cypress.Introduction Template where Cypress & Cucumber is already integrated. This repository acts externally, you only need to provide the path of the system or website in the environment to use it. The main benefit of using it as an external project is tha...Discusstest-automation
Maaz·Jun 19, 2024Cucumber Testing and Gherkin: A Comprehensive GuideIn today's fast-paced software development environment, ensuring the quality and functionality of an application is critical. Automated testing has become an essential part of the development lifecycle, and tools like Cucumber have gained popularity ...Discuss·2 likes·62 readsTechnologyCucumber
Federico·Apr 5, 2024Using BDD to implement a Payments Gateway - Part 1💡 This article belongs to the Walletera series. The Walletera journey continues. In the previous article, we started working on the Dinopay Gateway. We built one of the main components, the MessagesProcessor. On the way, we learned how to work ite...Discuss·88 readsWalleteraBehavior-Driven Development (BDD)
Fabio·Mar 8, 2024The abstraction layers are ruining your test automation framework🚀 If I had to choose just one thing to talk to you about how you should design your test automation framework, that definitely would be abstraction layers. Let's dive into how you can benefit from this concept so you can build solid foundations in y...Discuss·130 readsFundamentals for Test Automation Frameworksfeature file
Hardik·Sep 5, 2023💡 Unleashing the Power of BDD: Writing Effective Scenarios Beyond the UI 🎭In the realm of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), there are two cardinal rules when crafting scenarios: The first rule - You do not mention UI in your BDD scenarios. The second rule - You DO NOT mention UI in your BDD scenarios. It's a mantra that h...Discuss·2 likes·149 readsBDD UI-agnostic scenarios
King AJforOpen Replay's Technical·Apr 2, 2023Test-Driven Development vs. Behavior-Driven Development in ReactTesting is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring that applications work as intended and meet users' expectations. In the world of React, Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) are two popular methodologies fo...Discuss·32 readstest driven development