Sohel·Dec 27, 2024এক পলকে Git stash১. git stash কী? Git stash হচ্ছে git এর এমন একটি ফিচার, যা আপনার staged এবং unstaged পরিবর্তনগুলো সেভ করে রাখে এবং আপনার working directoiry clean করে দেয়। উদাহরন হিসেবে যদি বলি, এটা এমন, যেন আপনি আপনার কোডের পরিবর্তনগুলো ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করেছেন। ২....32 readsGit
Vanshika·Nov 8, 2024Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps EngineersGit Branching Git branching enables you to establish distinct lines of development within a project. You can create feature branches for new functionalities and hotfix branches for urgent repairs while maintaining a stable main branch. This approach...Resolving conflicts
Okoro Emmanuel·Oct 11, 2024How to Use Git Stash to Efficiently Manage Your CodeSometimes when you’re coding, you need to leave a particular task incomplete to focus on another task – but you don't want to lose your progress. So what do you do? Fortunately, git stash comes to the rescue. In this article, you’ll learn all about t...gitpop
David·Aug 30, 2024Git Stashing ExplainedStashing Changes When working on a project, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to switch branches or pull updates from a remote repository, but you have uncommitted changes that you don't want to lose. This is where Git's stashing ...84 readsGit
Anirudha·Aug 26, 2024Git Stash Basics1) To Stash all the files including untracked files git stash push -u -m "message" 2) To View all the stash git stash list 3) To apply a stash git stash apply stash@{0}Git Commands·Jul 26, 2024>Git stash: Managing Uncommitted Changes Effectively.Something happened recently while I was working on a certain team project. Operating from my forked repository, I had to add a couple of features, A PR for a small but important feature was made and promptly merged, I had to update this repo from ups...GitHub
Hamza·Jul 22, 2024Unlocking Advanced Git Skills for Full Stack DevelopmentGit is an essential tool in the modern full-stack developer's toolkit. While basic commands like git add, git commit, and git push are commonly used, there are advanced features of Git that can significantly enhance workflow efficiency. In this blog ...1 likeAdvanced Git Techniques
Darshana Mahesh·Apr 11, 2024Day 11 Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers: Part-2Git Stash: Git stash is a command that allows you to temporarily save changes you have made in your working directory, without committing them. This is useful when you need to switch to a different branch to work on something else, but you don't want...#90daysofdevops
Aaron Jevil·Mar 14, 2024Git Commands that you must knowHello fellow developers, have you ever come across a situtation where you needed to learn about git commands but didn't know where to learn from and felt like this not my cup of tea. Good news for you have reached the right place. Get ready to dive i...3 likesGit
Abdullah Bin·Feb 24, 2024Lecture # 15 - Git StashGit Stash: git stash is a command in Git that allows you to temporarily shelve changes you've made to your working directory, so you can work on something else without committing your changes to a branch. Below are the steps to see how git stash work...Devops