Faizan Shaikhfaizanshaikh.hashnode.dev·Oct 17, 2024Day 14 Task: Create a Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet🐧 Linux Cheat Sheet 🐧 CommandDescriptionExample lsList files and directories.ls -l cd [directory]Change current directory.cd /home/user/ mkdir [directory]Create a new directory.mkdir project touch [file]Create an empty file.touch file.txt...82 readsDevops
Mahmud Hasan Rafidmahmudrafid.hashnode.dev·Oct 13, 2024How Git Cherry-Pick Saved My Day: A Tale of Branch Chaos 🍒💻Ever had one of those moments where a single command turns disaster into triumph? That was me today, through a maze of Git branches. The scene:- Three branches: main (production), test (staging), and feature- Main branch lagging behind the test- Feat...Git
Will Ashworthashworth.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2024Streamline Your Git Workflow with a Cleanup ScriptIn the fast-paced world of software development, efficiency and organization are key. That's why I'm excited to share a tool I've developed that promises to streamline one of the more tedious aspects of managing a git repository: branch cleanup. Desi...Git
nailhaenailhae.hashnode.dev·Jan 24, 2023Git 사용 팁부모 branch에 update 된 내용을 개발 중인 branch에 업데이트 하는 방법 DEV_BRANCH 에서 시작 git stash 현재 작업 내용을 임시 저장 git switch PARENT_BRANCH 부모 branch로 이동 git pull 최신 내용으로 업데이트 git switch DEV_BRANCH 개발 중이던 branch로 이동 git rebase PARENT_BRANCH 부모 branch의 업데이트된 내용을 개발 중인 ...30 readsGit
Erdal TAŞKESENwww.erdaltaskesen.com·Sep 5, 2020Creating and Applying Patch in GitI’m using the erdaltsksn/blank as a Template for my open-source projects. When I make a commit in this repository, I need to apply the same commit to every repository in my account, which means lots of repetitive work. But there is a simple solution ...138 readsGit
Erdal TAŞKESENwww.erdaltaskesen.com·Dec 20, 2018How to partially stage filesGIT has a wonderful idea that is known as the staging area. The stage area is the place where you prepare the files that are going to be on your next commit. Sometimes you want to add only one specific part of some files. You can use one of the follo...48 readsGit
Erdal TAŞKESENwww.erdaltaskesen.com·Nov 7, 2018How to fix wrong Git Tag dateYou can add a tag to a previous commit in Git using the command git tag TAG_NAME COMMIT_HASH. However, this will update the tag's date, which can cause your repository to become out of chronological order. To fix this, you can use the following code:...43 readsGit