Subbu Tech·Oct 5, 2024Git Flow Branching StrategyGit Flow Git Flow uses multiple long-lived branches, including main, develop, release, and hotfix, in addition to short-lived feature branches. This strategy provides a structured process for managing different types of changes, making it ideal for l...46 readsKubernetes Basics: A Beginner’s GuideGit
Okoye·Sep 30, 2024Advanced Git Workflows and Best Practices in Version Control SystemsI'mIn this ever-changing world of software development, the need for efficient version control has become more crucial than ever. Whether you work in a team or solo, knowledge of advanced Git workflows can boost your productivity and collaboration si...Gitworkflows·Jul 18, 2024Let's try to improve Git Flow workflowSome of you will blame me for that but, in my opinion, the sync of remote and local branches on the Git Flow workflow can be improved in certain kind of business. This is why I would try a different approch in the following article.I repeat these pra...GitLabGit
Peter·Jun 8, 2024Git Branch WorkflowsHere is an example of a workflow used on SFCC teams that consist of a few common types of branches, each with different roles: BRANCHEXAMPLEROLE develop-Integration Branch before Merging into main main-Production Ready Code fix/*fix/123-brok...73 readsDevOpsGit
Ziqing·May 21, 2024Understanding of Git FlowUnderstanding of three kinds of git flow Why should we use the git branching strategy? Let us imagine a scenario. What happens when a team develops features or fixes bugs on the same project without a standardized branching strategy? Two programmers ...10 likesgitflow
Enow·Feb 26, 2024Remove file from all commits in gitLocally If you realized you added an unnecessary file to a commit and you have not yet pushed this commit… It is best practice to do this on a temporary branch git checkout -b file-remove Say the file you want to remove is called Sample.class git...62 readsGit
임근수·Feb 26, 2024Fork를 이용한 Git Flow 경험해보자 (2)해당 포스트는 지난 initialize 이후 feature / release / hotfix 작업하는 방법을 기록해보고자 합니다. 지난번 설명과 같이 각 feature / release / hotfix 프로세스는 아래와 같습니다. feature -> develop branch에서 시작하여 develop branch에 머지후 종료됩니다. release -> develop branch에서 시작하여 develop, main(tag 포함) bran...[Tools]fork
임근수·Feb 14, 2024Fork를 이용한 Git Flow 경험해보자fork 다운로드 : 저는 비록 IntelliJ 내장된 git 을 주로 사용하긴 하지만 Fork라는 툴을 사용해 보면서 편하고 기억에 남았던 내용을 기록해 보고자 합니다. 이전 직장에서 어느 "수석"님께 한번만 들어도 굉장히 이해하기 쉬웠고 굉장히 편했던 기억으로.. 작성합니다. 우선 "GitFlow 전략" 에 대해 이해하고 있어야 이야기 드릴 fork의 기능을 사용하는데 큰 무리가 없습니다. [참고(퍼...[Tools]fork
IBUKUN·Nov 9, 2023A Beginner's Guide to CI/CD with Next.js Blog AppContinuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are crucial practices in modern software development. They allow developers to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code, ensuring a more reliable and efficient development ...35 readsNext.js
Joshua·Oct 10, 2023Gitlab Flow vs. GitFlowGitlab Flow vs. GitFlow Evergreen Created: 2023-10-10 Updated: 2024-10-10 git gitflow gitlab flow branching strategies continuous delivery Introduction Recently, I delved into different branching models for a project at work. I was originally asked t...Branching Strategies