Akaeze Kosisochukwuaudrey01.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to Containerizing Applications, Orchestrating with Kubernetes, and Monitoring with Prometheus.This article is a step-by-step practical guide on deploying a containerized application on Amazon EKS, monitoring the application using Prometheus and Grafana, and creating a CI/CD Pipeline to facilitate our workflow. The Frontend uses NextJs while t...Discuss·1 like·59 readsDocker
Shubham Tawareshubzz.hashnode.dev·Nov 16, 2024DevSecOps in Action: How to Secure Your CI/CD PipelineIn this blog, we’ll explore how to incorporate essential security practices into the CI/CD pipeline to create a secure, efficient, and resilient software delivery process. With a DevSecOps approach, security checks are embedded early in the pipeline,...Discuss·2 likes·90 readsKubernetes
Ankur sainiankur0213.hashnode.dev·Nov 16, 2024Backend which Handle 1 Million RequestSource Code : https://github.com/AnkursainiRD/v2_EDA_Project Every time when i saw these big tech giant’s severs i thought how could have they handle the millions of requests. I were very curious about that. So i started learning advanced backend. An...Discuss·27 readsGrafana
Sathpal Singhobservabilitypulse.hashnode.dev·Nov 12, 2024Observability in a NutShellIn the ever-evolving landscape of software development and IT operations, monitoring has long been an essential practice. It serves as the eyes and ears of system administrators and developers, providing insights into system performance, health, and ...Discussobservability
Ayman Patelaymanace2049.hashnode.dev·Nov 9, 2024Grafana - One Observability Tool to Rule them AllWhen we try to understand or debug a system, we have a lot of heuristics and data to gather. Making sense what each type of heuristic represents is important and having it all in one place is even more important. Context switching between vendors cou...Discuss·3 likes·38 readsProgrammingGrafana
Ashwinashwinrajendran.hashnode.dev·Nov 8, 2024Monitor Docker Container with Grafana & Prometheus1. Launch ubuntu 20/22 with below ports in AWS 9393,3000,9090 2. Login your machine and install docker apt-get update apt-get install docker.io -y apt-get install docker-compose -y 3. To Monitor docker we need to deploy some container so then c...DiscussDockerDocker
Ashwinashwinrajendran.hashnode.dev·Nov 8, 2024Connecting EC2 with GrafanaIntroduction Monitoring the performance of your server infrastructure is crucial for ensuring optimal operation and identifying potential issues. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to set up Grafana and Prometheus to monitor CPU usage on Ubuntu inst...DiscussAWSec2
Ashwinashwinrajendran.hashnode.dev·Nov 8, 2024GrafanaIn the real time of monitoring and observability, Grafana has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool, empowering users to gain insights through intuitive visualizations. In this blog post, we'll delve into what Grafana is, its key features, why it'...DiscussGrafana
Ashwinashwinrajendran.hashnode.dev·Nov 7, 2024Creating a Billing Dashboard with Grafana Cloud and AWS CloudWatchIntroduction Grafana Cloud provides a robust platform for monitoring and visualization, while AWS CloudWatch offers a wealth of metrics for various AWS services. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through setting up a Grafana dashboard that visualizes...DiscussAWSDocker
Tushar Panttusharpant.online·Nov 6, 2024Day 78 of 90 Days of DevOps Challenge: Setting Up Alerts in Grafana CloudIn this task, you will set up alerts for your AWS EC2 instance and AWS Billing Alerts in Grafana Cloud. Monitoring your EC2 instances and AWS billing can help you manage resources effectively and avoid unexpected charges. Task Overview Set Up Alert...Discuss90 Days of DevOpsDevops