Taehyeong Leejsonobject.hashnode.dev·Jul 28, 2024How to Fetch Logs Using Graylog REST API with Kotlin and Spring BootOverview Graylog is an open-source log monitoring solution with a long history. While the Web Interface is commonly used, utilizing the API allows for various purposes such as secondary processing of log data, aggregation, and alerting. This post su...1 like·222 readsgraylog
Taehyeong Leejsonobject.hashnode.dev·Apr 19, 2024How to Send OS Syslog to GraylogOverview As a company's business expands, the number of servers that need to be managed increases. From the server administrator's perspective, it is necessary to monitor each server's situation frequently, as servers typically store various kinds o...2 likes·241 readssyslog
Taehyeong Leejsonobject.hashnode.dev·Mar 12, 2024How to install Graylog in AWS CloudOverview This guide outlines the process of creating a Docker-based image for setting up a Graylog cluster in AWS cloud environment. Architecture MongoDB, OpenSearch, and Graylog must exist within the same VPC (or through VPC peering connections)...1 like·906 readsgraylog
Taehyeong Leejsonobject.hashnode.dev·Mar 11, 2024Guide to Real-time Object Logging in Kotlin + Spring Boot using GraylogOverview Graylog is an open-source centralized log management platform that enables the collection and management of logs from dispersed microservices centrally. It supports the unique Key-Value based GELF log format and, from version v4.0.0, suppor...2 likes·325 readsKotlin
황동천heeyo.hashnode.dev·Oct 16, 2023Graylog 설정(Demo purpose)현장에 설치하는 Linux IoT 장치 운용시 로그 수집은 필수라고 생각한다. 장치 대수가 적을땐 SSH로 직접 확인할 수 있겠으나, 그것도 10대 넘어가기 시작하면 머리가 아파오기 시작한다. 그래서 Graylog 도입을 위해 설치를 해보려고 시도 한 기록이다. Requirement REST API 통해서 다른 Internal Tool에서 확인할 수 있어야 함 특정 이슈 발생 개발자/현장 서비스팀에 알림 전달 등을 위해 다양한 Log c...logging
Taegu Kangktg0210.hashnode.dev·Jun 29, 2023Graylog Server with Amazon OpenSearch 2.xoutline Graylog Server with Amazon OpenSearch 2.x how-to Cluster configuration >> Advanced cluster settings >> Allow APIs that can span multiple indices and bypass index-specific access policies -> check Security Configuration >> Access Polic...graylog
DevOps Talkssaumyabhushan.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2023Sending Linux Syslogs to Graylog ServerIn the previous blog, we talked about Graylog and its important properties. We have also talked about how to install Graylog locally and get started. Here is the link for that blog, https://saumyapandey.hashnode.dev/getting-started-with-graylog In th...11 likes·1.3K readsgraylog
DevOps Talkssaumyabhushan.hashnode.dev·Apr 7, 2023Getting started with GraylogGraylog is an open-source log management platform that allows organizations to collect, process, and analyze logs from various sources. It is written in Java and uses Elasticsearch or OpenSearch for indexing and searching, MongoDB for storage, and Ap...7 likes·689 readsDevops
Taegu Kangktg0210.hashnode.dev·Nov 11, 2022graylog message testeroutline tcp and udp message tester for graylog requirement (linux NC) yum install -y nc tcp for i in `seq 20`; do echo -n '{ "version": "1.1", "host": "example.org", "short_message": "A short message", "level": 5, "_some_info": "foo" }' | nc ...1 likegraylog
Bill Clarkbrav0charlie.hashnode.dev·Oct 7, 2022Sending VyOS Syslog to GraylogToday, I'll be going over the basic configuration of Graylog (on a Docker host), as well as the necessary configuration on VyOS to send your logs into Graylog. I've rebuilt my Graylog instance in my home lab a handful of times in the past and always ...1.3K readsgraylog